Friday, 21 January 2011

Earth To Have 2 Suns In 2012?

With all the 2012 rubbish we read about on the internet, this sounds like one of those stories, but not quite, read on...

The infamous red super-giant star in Orion’s nebula - Betelgeuse - is predicted to go gangbusters and the impending super-nova may reach Earth before 2012.

The second biggest star in the Orion constellation is losing mass, a typical indication that a gravitation collapse is occurring.

When that happens, we'll get our second sun, according to Dr Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland.

Read about it here... and the oppersite is claimed here (which I tend to believe).


Sean said...

That would be so cool if true!

Would this mean we get brighter nights though? Crime rate goes down, but the insomnia! Argh!

BlueDalek said...

We are San Helios.

D0ct0r11 said...

Ha! If this did happen, in years to come, "The End of the World" would look so stupid. xD

10thPlanet said...

The problem is that Betelgeuse could go supernove next year or in a million years — there's no way to tell.

@ Sean, I read something about this on io9. They claim that when this happens, unlikely to be on 2012, day will be nearly indistinguishable from night, because the star is so close to us.

Lucille7777 said...

Wow, like a real scifi momment.

whoever said...

Well, isn't Gallifrey supposed to have two suns...

Anyway. To me more serious I hope this won't happen within the next thousand years, not only because then we wouldn't be able to see the stars for an awful lot of time, but I for my part would also miss night times a lot. Think of the damage it could do to animals. (And I bet having a second sun would also rise our temperatures... say hello to global warming and bye to Kioto protocols)

However, on the plus side using solar-cells as an alternative energy source could become a real option due to this.