Saturday, 7 March 2009

The Wicker Man Directors Cut DVD Report

This is a remake of the classic 1973 movie of the same name. In the Wicker Man, Sergeant Howie (Nicholas Cage) is called on by an ex-girlfriend to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, Rowan Morrison, but he finds stubborn, tight-lipped resistance from the local islanders, who carry about their business unmindful of his single-minded detective work. Howie, a man from the city, is clearly out of his depth, believing the missing girl is his daughter, and heading towards the Wicker Man.

Comparing the two movies, the original wins hands down, but this still isn't a bad movie, I enjoyed it, and although the general story was the same, the events in the movie where different! Sadly there was no replacement for the Britt Ekland character though :(

Here is the trailer...

Interesting Tabletop Roleplaying Car Boot Purchases

As always on a Saturday, I went to Torksey car boot, and found some interesting 1980s tabletop RPG stuff, real cheap!

I got the Games Workshop Golden Heroes box set, the contents in mint condition, the large format Out of the Pit and Titan, the Fighting Fantasy World plus 2 Games Workshop 25mm white metal undead figures. And because of the powers of haggling :), I got the lot for £3 lol, I've seen this Golden Heroes go on eBay for well over £20 in this condition! And what will I do with them? Add them to the massive pile in the loft I expect :(

Doctor Who The Time Meddler DVD Trailer

The Five Doctors 25th Anniversary Edition Trailer

Destiny Of The Daleks DVD Trailer

Conformation of A Doctor Who Christmas

My suspicions are confirmed, Russell T Davies in SFX181 says Theres the Easter one [Planet of the Dead] and then a big gap, and then the other three are going to go out around Christmas time/end of the year. It ends in a two-parter. Theres a very strong link between the last three specials. Its not a three-parter, but theres a strong connection...

On how Steven Moffat will start Series 5 he says Theres a strong end and then theres a very strong beginning for him. It's literally one second later!

Jimi Hendrix The Last 24 Hours DVD Report

Jimi Hendrix The Last 24 Hours
is a well made documentary! In 1970 Jimi Hendrix died, and its been the subject of controversy ever since, as various parties argue over the cause of death, who was responsible, and who inherits the rights to his legacy.

Jimi Hendrix The Last 24 Hours offers an in-depth look at the artists last day (although the last day isn't reached until half way through), just why where his lungs full of red wine, and why had he been predicting his own death?

It includes a 32 page booklet and contributions from Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Pete Townshend and many others. Overall very good!

This YouTube account has the complete documentry online, look here.

Doctor Who Jigsaw #18 - Torchwood Hub

Let me know what you think :)

a2j_twnext - online jigsaw puzzle - 120 pieces

Click on the picture to start!

I'm not sure of the artist, sorry, DeviantArt has been suggested as an original source. If anyone knows please share!

Doctor Who Of The Day - Jamie McCrimmon

Jamie McCrimmon had a cameo in The Three Doctors, but Frazer Hines had prior work commitments, so it was not to be!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Doctor Who The Beginning of the End Trailer

CyberRob posted this on my CBox, but its worth sharing, well done!

CyberRob says: On the 5th of March I shot my short film The Beginning of the End, kindly written for me by Luke Pietnik, It was a long day but I think its going to be worth it, but for now heres a teaser trailer;

Davros: Simon Peter Bowling
Hinton: Michael Handy
Dalek Operator: Ray Phillips

Terkel in Trouble DVD Report

Terkel in Trouble was originally released in Denmark, with voices by stand-up comedian Anders Matthesen, but for the UK release they dubbed it into English, with a host of British talent, and as its an animation, you can't tell its dubbed :) Yippee!

Adrian Edmondson takes the role of Terkel who causes an obese classmate who secretly loves him to commit suicide, then he alienates his best friend Jason (Ben Bishop) by hooking up with the school bullies and falls foul of a new teacher (Toby Stephens) on a field trip. Johnny Vegas is great as drunken Uncle Stewart and Bill Bailey is equally good as Barry the narrator!

Overall I'm still not sure if I loved or hated Terkel in Trouble, it was pretty funny though!

Here is the trailer...

And this is the funniest song in the movie...

Why can't all love songs be called Piss Off & Die?

David Tennant Filming The Tennant Tapes 3

Special thanx to Ahremsee for this video :)

Watch Doctor Who The Ark Here

Are More Torchwood Radio Dramas On The Way?

There are three new Torchwood audio dramas listed at Amazon UK, as of now no further information is available, but by the look of it, they are to be CDs of Radio transmissions.

See them here, here, and here.

The release date is 4th of June 2009, so I assume transmission will be before then.

Trial of a Timelord DVD Trailer

Will TV Cost Cuts Effect The Future of Doctor Who?

With other UK TV channels economising, like Channel 4, Channel 5, and ITV, along with BBC cuts, we have to ask will this effect the future of Doctor Who?

We have already been told series 5 is to be 13 episodes, but what if its reduced to 10 episodes or less, or the show becomes 30 minutes, or the budget is cut?

Is this years break from regular Who programming more a cost cutting exercise than Waiting for Tennant to make his mind up, which I suspect few fans believed anyhow!

Time will tell - Lets hope its lesser programs that fall to the wayside!

The Tennant Tapes 3

The BBC have released The Tennant Tapes 3. Its a busmans holiday for David as he chats to the cast and crew of Planet Of The Dead about late nights, famous godparents and stripey scarves.

We learn Planet of the Dead features Detective Inspector McMillan played by Adam James, and also see Michelle Ryan, Lee Evans, Louise Page and the bus :)

You can see the original BBC post here.

Watch Doctor Who The Faceless Ones Episodes 1 & 3

Sadly, only episodes 1 and 3 are in existence :(

Sarah Jane Adventures News From DWM406

DWM406 has confirmed writers for The Sarah Jane Adventures season 3.

Phil Ford (2 stories), Gareth Roberts (1 story), Joseph Lidster (Mark of the Berserker) (1 Story), Rupert Laight (who previously novelised Revenge of the Slitheen and Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?) (1 story) and Brian Dooley (Short Trips Snapshots) (1 story). Note one Story = 2 episodes!

Doctor Who Of The Day - Project Indigo

Project Indigo
was Earths first experimental teleportation device, reverse-engineered from the Sontaran teleport pod. Martha Jones successfully used it in The Stolen Earth and Journeys End.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Watch UK Freeview TV Channels Free On Your PC

If you are in the UK and have Broadand/Cable you can watch the Freeview channels here. Just register for free here.

The Victoria Place Letter

This comes from a letter that was handed out to the residents of Victoria Place, Newport during the Doctor Who filming on the 27th/28th of February.

In the filming we are trying to suggest 10 Victoria Place (the house Lyndsay Duncan runs to) is an empty property in our story. It should feel quite dark and lonely.

We are trying to keep the story under wraps as much as possible until it is transmitted before Christmas '09.

The question now is - how long before Christmas is this to air?

Special thanx to Scooty for the information :)

Are We Having A Doctor Who Christmas?

With the announcement that story 4:16 is to be on TV at Christmas, and with the previous Russell T Davies promises of 4 Doctor Who episodes this year, will the Christmas holidays hold 3 Doctor Who episodes for us?

With the announcement 4:16 was a Christmas show, we assumed another large gap until future episodes, but how about

- A week before Christmas
, then Christmas Day, and regeneration on New Years Day.
- Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day and Regeneration on Boxing Day.

Radio Times With 21 Differant Covers News

Everyone has blogged the Radio Times 7-14th March issue, I didn't bother as its more David Tennant than Doctor Who, but here is some different information to bring to the table!

All 21 covers are available in all areas, so there is no need to look for them on auction sites etc. just try different shops. The print run is a total of 1.1 million copies. The David Tennant cover has twice the production run of the others, as it will be the most sought after, so it will also be the least rare and valuable, as all collectors in the UK will have opportunity buy it!

Don't forget the Ronnie Corbett cover, he is in the Sarah Jane Adventures Red Nose special!


Doctor Who Filming Newport 28/02/09

The Doctor collapses at the sight of something before rushing back into the TARDIS. But what has he just seen?

Doctor Who 1964 Chad-Valley Slides

These are the slides from Chad Valleys 1964 Doctor Who Give-A-Show Projector set.





Yuo can find more information about this here.

Doctor Who Specials Cast News & More

(Click for Larger Image)

At the weekend I asked the question who are the guest stars in Doctor Who 4:16, now they are revealed - Model Gemma Chan was speculated correctly, she will play someone called Mia Bennett.

Former Neighbours actor Peter O'Brien (why am I feeling ashamed an ex-Neighbours star is in Doctor Who?) is playing a villain and will be shooting his scenes at the end of the month.

The final story will be set on Mars!

The Taffswel quarry filming was for Mars (as we thought), so the episode being filmed ATM is 4:17/18 as originally speculated! The snow (or whatever it is) covered streets must be on Mars in the year 4126+ :)


Doctor Who Jigsaw #17 - Torchwood Children Of Earth

Let me know what you think :)

combom - online jigsaw puzzle - 120 pieces

Click on the picture to start!

Doctor Who Of The Day - King Edward VII & Krakatoa

In Inferno, the Doctor reveals he met King Edward VII in Paris and he was at Krakatoa during the eruption of 1883.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Skinned Alive DVD Report

In Skinned Alive, a psychopathic woman called Crawldaddy and her equally psychopathic offspring are traveling across the USA, but when their transport breaks down in backwoods Ohio, they seek refuge with Tom and his wife Whinnie, then the killing spree starts...

This is a low-budget gorefest, from the start you encounter typically bad acting and tongue-in-cheek script, the cover compares it to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but the similarities are gore only, even the first Chainsaw was unsettling in its time, but this is just silly.

This is certainly not a movie for a film connoisseur, its a low budget splatter movie and unless you like them...

Here is the trailer...

Its Official - 4:16 Is The Christmas Special!

Today is a sad day for many Doctor Who fans - in DWM406 in an interview with Gareth Roberts, it is revealed that the story following Planet of the Dead at Easter will be the Christmas special - thats a long wait!

I suppose on a positive note, we still have the Sarah Jane Adventures season 3 before Christmas and a possibility of K9 too!


Listen to Doctor Who and the Giant Robot

Listen to Doctor Who and the Giant Robot read by Tom Baker.

Doctor Who Credits Mix To The Moody Blues

Tom Baker Doctor Who Bloopers

Doctor Who Of The Day - Mandarin

In The Mind Of Evil we find that the Doctor can speak Mandarin Chinese and went on the Long March with Mao Tse-Tung and seems sympathetic towards him!

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Jimmy Carr In Concert DVD Report

This is Jimmy Carrs fourth live stand up DVD, Jimmy Carr In Concert, he walks a fine line with truly outrageous gags that would be thoroughly offensive if not so expertly delivered with an ironic glint in his eye.

I didn't use to like Carr, when he is on TV I found him pretty dull, and now I know why, he can't do this material on TV, outrageous doesn't describe it!

I laughed and laughed, but it is adult humour so you have been warned! But its great!

Here is a clip, be warned, adults only...

The Good Shepherd DVD Report

Edward Wilson (Matt Damon) understands the value of secrecy, discretion and commitment, they have been embedded in him since his childhood. As an eager, optimistic student at Yale, he is recruited to join the Skull and Bones, a brotherhood and breeding ground for future world leaders. Wilsons acute mind, spotless reputation and sincere belief in American values make him a candidate for a career in intelligence.

As one of the covert founders of the CIA, working in the heart of an organization where duplicity is required and nothing is taken at face value, Edwards idealism is steadily eroded by a growing suspicious nature. However, his steely dedication to his country comes at an ever-increasing price. Not even his wife Clover (Angelina Jolie) or his beloved son can divert Wilson from a path that will force him to sacrifice everything in pursuit of this job.

You really need to pay attention to The Good Shepherd, as it jumps between two time-lines, but its well worth it, Damon is as good as ever, casting Jolie seemed a bit pointless though, and with Robert De Niro both in the movie and directing, what can go wrong? Fantastic movie!

Here is the trailer...

Doctor Who 4:16 The Return Of Ood Sigma!

Doctor Who 4:16 features Ood Sigma played by Paul Kasey. The last time the Doctor met Ood Sigma was on the Ood-Sphere in the year 4126, in an episode called Planet of the Ood. This means if the Doctor and Ood Sigma are to recognise each-other, 4:16 must be set after 4126, when Ood Operations have been shut down.

Is Ood Sigma here to tell the Doctor his song is coming to an end (he is to regenerate), something else, or will it be another Ood story?

Thanx to Scooty for the picture!

Doctor Who opening credits in the style of Red Dwarf

Dalek Dredged From Pond

(Click for Larger Image)

This Dalek was found by shocked volunteers digging out debris from a pool near Beaulieu, Hampshire.

Dalek experts believe the body could have been in the murky water for more than 30 years - but the head and eye stalk were still intact.

Marc Oakland, who found it said I'd just shifted a tree branch with my foot when I noticed something dark and round slowly coming up to the surface.

The BBC took Daleks out on location for filming in Hampshire on at least one occasion in the 1980s, when Colin Baker was The Doctor.


Now why can't this happen to me :) Any ideas on what story this is from? I suspect its Revelation of the Daleks, made in 1985 :)

Additional: It appears only a
Dalek head was found, so the question is - where is the rest of it?

Doctor Who Three Stories To Watch; Meglos, The Leisure Hive, Full Circle

The easiest way to watch these is to click on the FULL SCREEN icon at the bottom of the player.

Doctor Who Jigsaw #16 - The Ood

Let me know what you think :)

combom - online jigsaw puzzle - 126 pieces

Click on the picture to start!

Doctor Who Of The Day - The Claws Of Axos

The Claws of Axos was originally called The Vampire from Space!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Summer Of Sam DVD Report

Summer of Sam, Spike Lees story of the summer of 1977 in New York City, when the heat rose and a serial killer terrorized the city, focuses on an Italian-American community in the Bronx; Dionna (Mira Sorvino) and Vinny (John Leguizamo), a couple whose marriage is threatened by Vinnys womanising. Vinny returns home one night to find a killer has murdered two local women, he promises, unsuccessfully, to mend his cheating ways.

As TV & newspapers exploit the murders and a blackout threatens to unleash anarchy on the city, its inhabitants begin to look for a scapegoat, who will release them from the reign of terror created by the Son of Sam (Michael Badalucco).

Summer of Sam is a great movie, a 1977 soundtrack, the rise of New York Punk, anarchy in the streets, a serial killer, and even a talking dog - what more does a movie need? Essential viewing!

Here is the tralier...

And at great personal expense, here is a message from Fido!

Three More Videos From 27-02-09

New material from the night of the 27th is still being released!



SFX Doctor Who Photographs From Victoria Place 27-02-09

SFX magazine
has a few photographs from the 27th of February taken during the filming on 4:16.

You can see them here.

Who Are The Guest Stars In Doctor Who 4:16?

(Click for Larger Image)

We all know Lindsay Duncan is in Doctor Who 4:16, but who are the couple on the left? They are defiantly in the episode, but ATM, noting has been released about them.

Tom Chambers (Holby City) and Gemma Chan (Project Catwalk) have been suggested, but I remain unsure, ideas anyone?

The Dead Zone DVD Report

In the movie of the Stephen King novel The Dead Zone, Johnny Smith (Christopher Walken), a schoolteacher in a small town, is romantically involved with co-worker Sarah Bracknell (Brooke Adams). One evening Johnny is in a car wreck that leaves him in a coma.

Five years later he wakes up to find Sarah is married with a son, and he must endure lengthy therapy to regain the use of his body. He now has the ability to see into the pasts or futures of anyone he touches, he is also able to absorb incredible amounts of personal information from this simple act. After helping some people, and the police, he meets a presidential candidate and sees into his future, it means destruction for the whole world, can he stop it?

I like Stephen King movies, The Dead Zone had a real budgety feel to it, but was still good, Walken was born to play gangsters, but is still OK at horror, overall still a pretty good movie 25 years on!

Here is the trailer...

Tardis To Be Redesigned

The TARDIS interior is to be redesigned for Matt Smith taking over as Doctor eleven.

Its no surprise this decision has been taken, fans knew a redesign was on the cards, especially with the Doctor Who series going to be filmed in HD.

The Mirror claim production sources have said It will be the most hi-tech, intricate Tardis ever.

Mirror, Telegraph.

Doctor Who Of The Day - Regeneration

The term Regeneration was first used in Planet of the Spiders.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Harry Hill In Hooves Live DVD Report

I'm a big fan of Harry Hill for many reasons, one is he doesn't rely on swearing to get laughs (I'm looking at Chubby Brown here). Harrys comedy is almost 1970s budget humour, certainly a twist of Tommy Cooper is in there, with a zany twist.

Hooves Live is a good DVD, I laughed long and loud, particularly at the routine about ambulance drivers running over pizza delivery men :)

One gripe though, the box claims its 101 minutes, in reality its all over in 70 minutes :( Overall well worth watching!

Here is a clip...

Escape From L.A. DVD Review

In Escape from L.A. Kurt Russell reprises his Escape from New York role as Snake Plissken. Instead of New York being a maximum-security prison, this time its LA, which because of bizarre earthquakes has become an island, and the ultra-fascist USA use it to dump people they no longer want.

But the Presidents daughter has absconded to L.A. with a device that can permanently wipe out power to just a car, or to the whole world, and Snake is commandeered to retrieve it against his will.

I was really pleased to see this movie, and its a lot better then I thought it would be! Some of the special effects where poor, but it didn't lose my interest for a second. I'd say this time its a little more light hearted, and LA has many similarities to the Judge Dredd movie! But overall, its fantastic!

Here is the trailer...

Even More Doctor Who Filming At Victoria Place From The Mirror 27-02-09

(Click for larger Images)

The Mirror has a selection of photographs from the 27th of February, but you can't save the photographs from their post, but I have :) The original post is here.