Saturday, 30 August 2014

Into the Dalek: Doctor Who Extra

(Doctor Who Extra is now available Worldwide)

Doctor Who: Robots of Sherwood Next Time Trailer

Doctor Who ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Videos

A social media viral phenomenon lately has been the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someones head to promote awareness of the disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations to research.
ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) or Motor Neurone Disease Association (MND) is a neurodegenerative disease involving nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Individuals affected with MND/ALS lose muscle control due to the deterioration of muscle impulses and over time become progressively paralysed.
The challenge dares nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A common stipulation is that nominated participants have 24 hours to comply or forfeit by way of a charitable financial donation.
To learn more about the Ice Bucket Challenge and ALS you can visit in the USA and in the UK

These are the challenges that we have found, let us know in the comments if we have missed or any new videos come out, and we will update the post.

Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor):

Karen Gillan (Amy Pond):

Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) took part along with some of the cast of Broadchurch (only in the first minute), David Tennant was not there:

John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness):

Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith):

Burn Gorman (Owen Harper from Torchwood) (Click twice on the video is the ratio is weird):

Neil Gaiman (Writer of The Doctor's Wife and Nightmare in Silver)

Steven Moffat, David Tennant, Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper), and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler) have all been challenged but have not yet responded.
There are also many well done Doctor Who themed challenges, created by fans, a YouTube search for "Doctor Who" "Ice Bucket Challenge" will display many good fan videos.

And just because - Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock):

The Preview Review: Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 2: Into the Dalek [Spoiler-Free]

(While this review does not contain major spoilers or specifics, some minor things may be given away. Details have been left out to avoid spoiling them, but read at your own discretion.)

With Deep Breath meeting some mixed reactions, especially from the fans, only two things were certain. Peter Capaldi was the shining point of the episode and it is definitely darker now. But with a darker tone, neither us nor The Doctor are certain on who he is. Is he a good man?

Into the Dalek, penned by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat, takes a newly regenerated Doctor and tries, with great success, to open up our new Doctor and show both The Doctor and the viewers his soul. New Doctors' second episodes have usually been a bit hit or miss, but Into the Dalek is very possibly the strongest second episode we've seen so far in the revival, although the episode wouldn't have worked nearly as well if it were placed anywhere else, or with any other Doctor.

"Terrible idea for a proctologist."
Into the Dalek joins Dinosaurs on a Spaceship in the "it does what it says on the tin" titles category. We see The Doctor, Clara, and three soldiers be miniaturised and inserted into a Dalek, with the intention of repairing it from its severe damage. In fact, it's so damaged that it has turned good! This isn't actually a new concept to Doctor Who, as Justin Richards wrote a graphic novel, The Only Good Dalek, around a very similar concept and the fans have also considered it immensely. Half of The Cult of Skaro have also suffered from turning good. The idea of miniaturising is far from new too, with the original 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage. It even has its own trope which has already appeared on Doctor Who back in The Invisible Enemy in 1977. It is even lampshaded in the episode! A similar idea of miniaturisation, with a similar threat, has also appeared recently in Let's Kill Hitler.

The Daleks have also always had the recurring theme of showing us elements of The Doctor - take Journey's End as a fantastic example of this - and Into the Dalek is no exception, especially with it feeling very similar to 2005's Dalek. In this episode, he is faced with a 'good' Dalek which is something he professes is absolutely impossible. But it has triggered him to question himself more, prompting him to ask Clara the now infamous question, "am I a good man?"

Journey Blue (Zawe Ashton)
Before we even get to this, however, the episode opens with a ship running from the Daleks. Like with Asylum, it is very nice to have The Daleks be a major threat (like in the Classics) without the story revolving around them all perishing or trying to destroy everything, like in RTD's era. This helps to keep them scary, since they're not easily wiped out at every single meeting.
The Doctor manages to rescue a soldier, Journey Blue (Zawe Ashton), from the ship just in the nick of time while still holding his two cups of coffee. Despite failing to save her brother, The Doctor is incredibly cold to her and continues being cold throughout the episode and at some points he is very 'un-Doctor-y', especially when faced with death. At one point, I even felt slightly repulsed by him. His time on Trenzalore, especially against the Daleks, has definitely hardened him.

Such a happy fella.
After quite forcibly teaching Journey on how to ask nicely, which feels like something The Doctor (especially this Doctor) would do, he returns her to her base, the Aristotle, where he is soon confronted with the Dalek, quickly destroying his excitement at being shrunk. Capaldi's reaction quite possibly made the episode.

We return to the pickups and dropoffs of Clara. It is very nice to see a companion who has a normal life and a sense of control over, as she puts it, her 'hobby'. We also start to see some further much needed character development for Clara with the introduction of new companion Danny Pink (Samuel Anderson). After just being 'dumped' by The Doctor, she sets her egomaniac sights on the first new man we see introduced and practically forces him into accepting a drink with her. Take from this what you will, but I find it pretty needy (and thus, either quite shallow writing or later episodes simply didn't have the spare time to introduce him). However, while it was only a few minutes, his introduction was beautiful, telling yet also momentarily cringe-worthy. It gives me incredibly high hopes for Samuel Anderson and the character's back-story he is telling.

Luckily, we don't hang around Coal Hill too long, and soon after the Doctor kicks open the door, we're into the Dalek and the actual plot can begin. The episode poses some new ideas towards the Daleks, some great, but some don't fit very well into the overall design of the master race, especially the somewhat anti-climatic nature of the solutions, but they fit the episode well. It was nice to hear them chant "Seek. Locate. Destroy." again too.
Seek. Locate. Destroy.
For some reason, this episode has some really terrible control of the Daleks' heads - specifically the eyestalks - with them flying all over the place. Sadly, this really takes away some of the fear of the Daleks in this episode since they no longer have the still death stare but rather are pretty much everywhere but the enemy. Similarly, the speech lights were also hit and miss.
On a positive note, I've never seen a Dalek shoot so fast before which can be considered an improvement, depending on your point of view.

After a few extended episodes, Into the Dalek feels a lot quicker now that we are back to the standard 45 minute length, although Deep Breath's slow pace helps account for this even more. Having said that, the pace of this episode is excellent. The episode, especially the ending, neither feels rushed or slow, which has been quite a rarity this past couple of years. It even gives plenty of time for a wonderful speech. For some reason, I found the title sequence much nicer this time, possibly due to the massive reduction in the delay for it to begin.

Can you spot the eyes? They ARE there!
As a strongly CGI-based episode, the CGI in this episode may not have been top-notch but it was perfectly adequate, with some really cheesy exceptions, such as the door explosion. On a pedantic note, I thought the shrunken characters seemed a bit big for what was occurring and the choice on the backdrops are a little weird.

Capaldi and Coleman have some amazing chemistry, which definitely shows. It's very different from the chemistry with Matt, with The Doctor constantly jabbing at her, and others, and Clara casually responds, including slapping some sense into him. Capaldi is bone-chilling in his cold eyebrowed stare and does a great job at being cold and silently (and not so silently) upset. Michael Smiley does a great job at being as humanly emotionless as possible for the little screen time he has, while Zawe Ashton easily makes you have the feelings for her. Samuel Anderson was simply outstanding. Everyone else can quite easily be taken or left.

I feel Jenna's costume should also be mentioned. Sadly, it's not as elegant as her previous bowtie one, I find it quite awesome that her first Capaldi costume is a top full of eyes!

The episode is rather lacking in the music department, with a few needy exceptions, especially as far as new music is concerned. Perhaps it is the sound mix of the preview copy or they're just trying to give it a more raw feel. It's somewhat disappointing that the climax of the episode is old music.

Overall, the episode was very enjoyable, as long as a few things are overlooked, such as the repeated elements and ignoring key Dalek details with the director, cast and pace making up for this. I would rate it 7/10.

Into the Dalek airs tonight at 7.30pm.
"Into The Dalek", eh?

Friday, 29 August 2014

Doctor Who: Listen Synopsis Released

The BBC have released the synopsis for Steven Moffat's greatly anticipated episode, Listen:

When ghosts of past and future crowd into their lives, the Doctor and Clara are thrown into an adventure that takes them to the very end of the universe.
What happens when the Doctor is alone? And what scares the grand old man of Time and Space? Listen!

Doctor Who: Into the Dalek Preview Clip Three

See the two previous clips here.

Introduction to Doctor Who: Into the Dalek

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

2 New Clips From Doctor Who: Into the Dalek Released

The BBC have released two new clips from the upcoming episode, Into the Dalek. The first is an extension of the "Am I a Good Man?", used in the trailers where it reveals The Doctor's reaction. The second is an extension of the "I'm his carer" clip, showing the Dalek asking for help.

Into the Dalek airs this Saturday at 7.30pm.

Around the World in Twelve Days with the Twelfth Doctor - World Tour Summary

Doctor Who: Robots of Sherwood Air Time Confirmed

The BBC Media Centre has confirmed that Robots of Sherwood will air on 6th September at 7.30pm and finish at 8.20pm.
In a sun-dappled Sherwood forest, the Doctor discovers an evil plan from beyond the stars and strikes up an unlikely alliance with Robin Hood.
With all of Nottingham at stake, the Doctor must decide who is real and who is fake. Can impossible heroes really exist?

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Doctor Who 'Into the Dalek' 10 teasers

Over the course of this series we will be offering each week 10 teasers related to the upcoming episode.

10 Teasers for 'Into the Dalek':

  1. "Rusty?"
  2. Aristotle
  3. Remember the Doctor went for coffee?
  4. "Bolt Hole!"
  5. "Are you my Doctor?"
  6. Listen out for references to The TV Movie and Amy's Choice
  7. A cut-scene would do just nicely...
  8. "Welcome to the most dangerous place in the universe"
  9. We finally see someone die on screen
  10. "You're one of my hobbies"