2|entertain have confirmed the currently undisclosed story in the Revisitations 2 Box Set will be the Second Doctor adventure The Seeds of Death.
The story joins The Carnival of Monsters with Jon Pertwee and Resurrection of the Daleks with Peter Davison, on the box set expected to be released mid 2011.
Also confirmed, The Resurrection of the Daleks will contain a documentary fronted by Tenth Doctor David Tennant. He said the story will be released in both the four episode and two episode edition.
I don't doubt there are good reasons for choosing these stories, but couldn't the more obvious choices get remastered first? How about a vidFIRE version of the Tomb of the Cybermen? Actual extras for the first releases - "Spearhead" and "Robots"? Doesn't anyone know we are in a recession?
Actually, we're not in a recession. We haven't had two consecutive quarter of contraction (negative growth) for a while now. These are just hard times.
Darn, I just bought Resurrection of the Daleks... Otherwise I would be extremely tempted to get this solely for the chance to see Tennant's documentary. But why are they putting this episode out again when there's still haven't released Frontios on DVD?
i have all the DW dvd releases apart from last 4 months (waiting for them to go down in price), so i wont be bothering :)
10thPlanet's comment is so typical of what I dislike about "fans" ... Does that actually change the fact that we are still in economic down-turn world-wide? Does that change the fact that money is as tight for a Doctor Who fan as a non-fan? Pedantic comments don't change facts on the ground.
Seriously, back to the facts, is this a "good commericial strategy" for this particular time? How many times can you wipe your feet on my matt without wearing out the matt?
In America, I don't see the prices go down after release, probably because we get so few produced here. Just a guess, but that's usually the reason.
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