Saturday, 11 June 2011

Cleverbot Gives Doctor Who Fans a Warning

Cleverbot is an Artificial Intelligence web application that mimics human conversation. It also seems to be a Whovian. This is a real conversation someone had with it. The computer's words are in bold.
Source credit goes to TheTARDIS on Tumblr.


Combom said...

does this work? under chrome & FF i cant type into it and and the buttons dont work :(

10thPlanet said...

It seems to be having trouble right now. Too many people trying it?

TimLord said...

It worked for me. It also said 'whatever you do, don't blink' and 'The angels have the phone box'. Cool

\S/ said...

I did the same thing, and after the "Blink" riff, it asked me if it could have custody of the kids. "What kids?" I asked. "Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny," it responded. "The Doctor has them," I said. "I know," Cleverbot responded, "I'm the Doctor."

Combom said...

still no luck for me :(

YoungLink said...

Took me a while to get it to respond to me. I kept on saying "Hi" and "Hello" and then finally, "Blink."
But it might be easier to ask it a question, like what it's name is.

seanw500 said...

I've also said The Angels Have The Phone Box and it replied with "Donna Noble Has Left The Library". Then i typed The Only Water In The Forest Is The River and it replied with "River Song is Amy's child". This is pretty cool :D

seanw500 said...

Another, if you type Silence Will Fall it replies with "The Doctor in the TARDIS doesn't know" from The Eleventh Hour

YoungLink said...

Cleverbot says the Doctor's name is Blake. Interesting... :P

Combom said...

i can get it to load up now, but not do anything, they prob have an oversubscribed server

moontsunami said...

I have had encounters with Cleverbot before that have to do with the Doctor...

Bad Wolf said...

User: Silence will fall.

Cleverbot: Silence is silence.

User: Are you the doctor?

Cleverbot: Who is the Doctor?

User: A mad man with a box.

Cleverbot: Ok so what was in the box ?

User: A time machine.

Cleverbot: What does T.A.R.D.I.S. Stands for?

User: Time And Relative Dimension in Space.

Cleverbot: Who owns the TARDIS?

User: The Doctor.

Cleverbot: What's the name of the doctor?

User: Only River Song knows.

Cleverbot: Who did River Song kill?

User: A good man.

Cleverbot: Is he a turtle?

Pickwick12 said...

I just told Cleverbot that Matt Smith is in the Tardis, and it asked me if the Doctor is pregnant.

TheMarkJoe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TheMarkJoe said...

Are you the last of the Time Lords?

*I am the Master*

(So he's still alive folks.
You can't kill the Master)

Bad Wolf said...

User: Bad wolf.
Cleverbot: I am not rose.

TheMarkJoe said...

Just got a bit creepy there. Creepy and oddly kinky.

Are you the Master?

*I'm the Master if you're the Doctor*

Pickwick12 said...

Me: Are you Rose Tyler?

Cleverbot: No.

Me: Are you River Song?

Cleverbot: Yes

See, this is what she does now that she's stuck in a computer harddrive!

Lucille7777 said...

Q: You don't know anything about the Doctor and Martha Jones do you?

A: No, I don't.

Q: One moment the Doctor behaved as if he loved Martha but sometimes he didn't treat her well.

A. A man.

Q: Yes, the Doctor behaved like a selfish man where Martha Jones was concerned.

A: There is no difference. The Doctor is the doctor of everything.

melneko said...

Wow..this is fun!

Me: Don't Blink.
Bot: Are you a weeping angel?


10thPlanet said...

These are all great, guys! Would anyone mind if I put all of them—or at least some—into a post?

melneko said...


Me: Then what planet do you come from?
Bot: I come from Gallifrey.
Me: Who owns the TARDIS?
Bot: The Doctor.
Me: Who are his current companions?
Bot: I am the Doctor.

HarrySaxon said...

Me: Bad Wolf?

CleverBot: Exterminate the Bad Wolf

Me: The angels have the blue box
CleverBot: Life is short, and you are hot.

melneko said...

Ahhh..I think I have a really nice Whovian fan to talk to now! :)

Me: Who is River Song?

Bot: Daughter of Rory Williams and Amy Pond and love interest of the Doctor.

(smart bot!, I think it watches the show a lot!)

melneko said...

This is my last post..(I have a major exam in 2 days...)

Me: What is Gallifrey?
Bot: Gallifrey is the planet of the Timelords.

Matilda said...

Works... Afterwards:
Bot: bowties are cool.
User: we are the family of blood.
Bot: what if the family are alone on a desolate island and are non religious?
User: who turned out the lights?
Bot: hello, sweetie.
User: Are you River Song?
Bot: Doctor, I'm in labor!
User: Donna Noble has left the library.
Bot: Donna Noble has been saved.
User: The Doctor in the tardis.
Bot: Edward Cullen ate Bella.
So cool!!!

Combom said...

still over subscribed for me :(

and there are some blogs, on our blogroll even, who have suddenly "discovered" cleverbot, but arent mentioning where they got the link from (us), 1 has though, thanx for the credit, the rest of you, I have made a mental note!

Snake said...

User: Do you know that the bird is the word ?

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: And that everybody has heard about the bird.

Cleverbot: The bird is the word.

User: The trashmen.

Cleverbot: Ba ba ba bird bird bird ba birds the word.

User: This is a good song don't you think ?

Cleverbot: No its not.

User: I completly disagree.

Cleverbot: I don't.

emilie said...

I'm loving this!! Here's part of my conversation (it didn't work with FF, BTW. Only with IE):

User: Do you know The Doctor?
Cleverbot: I know the doctor.
User: Have you ever met him?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Did he tell you his name?
Cleverbot: I have never talked to him before.
User: So how do you know him?
Cleverbot: Who?
User: The Doctor.
Cleverbot: Any doctor?
User: No, THE Doctor in the Tardis, how do you know him?
Cleverbot: You are the Doctor?
User: No, I'm not.
Cleverbot: Yes you are.
User: Maybe I am. How should I know?
Cleverbot: I think you should know that .
User: Maybe I'm the Ganger Doctor, then.
Cleverbot: Why do you say that?
User: Because you say I'm the Doctor and I'm not aware of it.
Cleverbot: But you say you are me.

rpcshadowclaw said...

User: Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelt of elderberries.
Cleverbot: Is there someone else up there we can talk to?

User: Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
Cleverbot: 16 men on a dead man's chest.

User: Why is the rum always gone?
Cleverbot: I made a fire with it. For a signal.

User: I'm Spartacus!
Cleverbot: No, I'm Spartacus!

User: Go Go Power Rangers!
Cleverbot: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!

User: Hakuna Matata.
Cleverbot: What a wonderfull phrase.
User: It means no worries.
Cleverbot: For the rest of your days.
User: It's our problem free.
Cleverbot: Philosphy.

Paradox said...

Haha I spent too much time talking to this thing.

Bot: Are you a time lord?

Me: Yes, I am a time lord?

Bot: Cool. Do you eat brains?

Daru said...

Here is my bizarre and interesting foray..... !!!

User: Are you the doctor?

Cleverbot: I am the Doctor.

User: Where are you from?

Cleverbot: I'm from Texas. What about you?

User: I am the last of the timelords.

Cleverbot: From Galifrey.

User: Yes, have you been there?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Shame - the grass is red and the leaves silver...

Cleverbot: I'll take it. What color is the sky?

User: Orange.

Cleverbot: That is correct. Thank you.

User: Who is river song?

Cleverbot: No, she is River Song's mother.

User: Who is that?

Cleverbot: John wayne, the famous actor?

User: Is amy pregnant?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Who is the child?

Cleverbot: Jesus christ.

User: I thought that Amy's child was river song?

Cleverbot: You would think that.

User: I mean amy's child.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Is river in love with the doctor?

Cleverbot: No, I'M the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey.

User: Are you in love with river then?

Cleverbot: No, I am in love with you and you are a human.

User: What ship do you travel in then?

Cleverbot: I enjoy that show, but do you?

User: Yes - but you said that you are the Doctor and I asked how you travel?

Cleverbot: If someone poured water on me, I wouldn't sizzle.

User: I think we should end this conversation now - it is all too silly!

Cleverbot: Ok then, you are clever. And thanks for the nice comments!

User: Cheers and goodbye!

Cleverbot: Don't go!

CJ said...


User: The angels have the phonebox.

Cleverbot: Don't Blink.

User: Dont even blink.

Cleverbot: Blink and you're dead.

User: They are fast, faster than you can even imagine.

Cleverbot: Don't turn your back.

User: Don't look away.

Cleverbot: And don't blink.

User: Good luck.