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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Five New Doctor Who Podcasts Today

5 new podcasts today;

Doctor Who: The2ndDoctors Podcast EPISODE43
With Quatermass.
Play it here.

The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #63
Ben takes well earned rest while the rest of us carry on with the usual items but mainly a very thorough review of Tom Baker’s story, Robots of Death.
Play it here.

Traveling the Vortex Episode 26 – The Vortex Code
Sorry for the delay, the delivery guy showed up late with the files necessary to put together a show. I bet some of you were shouting at your iTunes feed “Them Vortex Boys didn’t really get this thing fixed!” Better late than never though, I always say. And I say it a lot because I am always late.

Bigger on the Inside - Episode 67
Virus-infected computers, snobby IT guys, and YouTube posters get the guys bleeping bleep right out of the gate. After that, though, they calm down to discuss Peter Davison's first adventure as The Doctor: "Castrovalva."
Play it here.

MUTTER'S SPIRAL Ep 37 (2.11) - The Tomb of the Cybermen
Go back in time with MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast as John & Will discuss the Patrick Troughton classic, "The Tomb of the Cybermen". What did John think of his first viewing? Why is this story a particularly appropriate one to discuss (hint: Matt Smith loves this story)? Can Will get any trivia questions right? It's all here in episode 37 of MS, discussing the 37th story in Doctor Who history!
Play it here.

As always, thanx to the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Argh! I just noticed Madame Kovarian. That made me start.