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Monday, 4 April 2011

A Countdown, But To What?

Something is happening, important to the authors, and it will be used by every reader! Either we have;

1) Pictures of Karen Gillan naked, or
2) Pictures of Colin Baker naked, or
3) Something so secret, 10 and PCJ had to kill me so I didn't say?

*Incredibly Dramatic Countdown over*

Matt Smith talks about the new series of Doctor Who including some short preview clips!


Doctor Who Follow-Up to the Screening of ''Impossible Astronaut''/''Day of the Moon''

The screening for "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon", as mentioned in this interview, has just ended. And BBC entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba—who only today announced the title for Episode 7, the mid-series finale—was there to give everyone a few more spoilers about Series 6!

It's quite a long one, and if you don't want the links to Lizo's tweets or my introductions to each one, simply scroll through and read the italics.

He mentioned a new trailer with Cybermen included!
"Great two parter. Scary and exciting in equal measure. New trailer too. With Cybermen, more fighting with Amy. Extra pirate stuff..."
But Lizo refused to give too many spoilers.
"BTW so many things happen in two episodes. Try and stay spoiler free. So much stuff can be given away that will lessen enjoyment of ep."
What are the questions we'll be asking this series? 
"Very strong eps, american stuff looks great. New monster(s) very terrifying. Story poses lots of questions, some of which not yet answered."
He implicitly suggests that Amy isn't the one to die in the two-parter.
"In new trailer Amy fighting roboty looking things that look slightly like the ones in I Robot. And the Dr says 'Yo ho ho' in the Pirate bit."
Now, here's the real surprise. Contrary to what we've all been thinking, the cliffhanger for Episode 7 isn't the biggest surprise this series. What does Lizo mean when he says . . .
"Episode 6 has biggest cliff hanger says [Steven Moffat] bigger than 7!"
. . . and this?
"Matt says they read Ep 6 and all said OMG when they reached end!"
Lizo continues, telling us how long this is going to last.
"The Silence Will Fall storyline will cover all 13 eps says Steven."
Alex Kingston gets a shout-out from Lizo.
"Alex Kingston says weirdest theory she's heard about who River is is that River's the Doctor."
And is Matt Smith leaving the series this year, you might ask Lizo? The brackets are a correction.
"Matt says The Doctor isn't a part he's planning on giving up [anytime] soon."
Now, what sort of spoilers will leak out from this event?
"And [Steven Moffat] has asked press and audience not to give away major spoilers, and one in particular. Gets round of applause!"
Lizo hears what is to come in 2013.
"Re 50th anniversary [Steven Moffat] says 'yes, there are thoughts'. But says nothing more than that."
If and when Lizo tweets anything else that's interesting about the screening follow-up, we'll post it right here! Thanks to Fraz for pointing this out to us!
April 23rd: It begins.

Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 7 Title Revealed

He's just as excited as you are.
You read that title right. It's real, and it's here. We know it, and in a moment so will you.

At the time of writing this post, the BBC's entertainment correspondent reported this literally minutes ago! Of course, the title could always change up until the second of the broadcast; but here it is, as reported by Lizo Mzimba, with a little bit of run-up as background.

First he talks about the production team meeting he was invited to.
"Matt talks a bit about his hopes for DW's 50th anniversary in 2013. Steven reveals another episode title... Does that count as a spoiler?"
This suggests that Matt Smith plans to stay on until at least through Series 7. Then Lizo gave us fair warning.
"Ok. Will tweet in one min, so look away if you don't want to know. (I think it's a new one, but for all I know everyone's known for months."
But, of course, this blog is a spoiler, so we sure didn't care about warnings! He finally revealed Episode 7's title, at least as it stands now.
And there you have it.
Personally, I preferred "His Darkest Hour", but surely the Moff knows best. Now, does this set up Episode 8 for "A Good Man Dies", as per Octavian's warning to the Doctor in "Flesh and Stone"?

Thanks to IntoTheVortex for pointing this out to us so immediately and to Lizo Mzimba and the Doctor Who production team for giving fans something more to look forward to.

Doctor Who Artwork — ''The Dalicks part 1'' by Marc137

"You will move ahead of us and follow my directions. This way. Immediately!"
This picture raises an interesting question: how different are the new Daleks from the original? Could you see them used interchangeably?

"The Dalicks part 1" was created by Marc137.

Doctor Who Series 6 Launch Radio Five Live Matt Smith Interview

Nothing special :( Thanks for the Heads Up 10!

An Interview with Daisy Lowe, Girlfriend of Doctor Who's Matt Smith

Model and actress Daisy Lowe told The Mirror how she keeps the romance going with the Eleventh Doctor. So if you've been interested in Matt Smith's sex life, then . . . you should feel lucky right now. You should feel ashamed, but you should feel lucky.
He can travel though space and time... so going out with Doctor Who is bound to play havoc with your internal body clock. And loved-up supermodel Daisy Lowe confirms that time has actually ACCELERATED while she’s been actor Matt Smith’s lover.
She says: “It’s our one-year anniversary next week, and it’s flown by, which is a good sign.”
. . . The 22-year-old says: “We hardly see each other because he works from six in the morning to eight in the evening in Cardiff during the week. So at the weekend I go and surprise him where he is staying. I give him long massages or whatever he likes because you’ve got to keep the romance alive. . . .
“I’m like the perfect girlfriend when I see him,” Daisy went on. “I cook for him, clean for him, I do everything.
“I’m getting really good now. I make him a lovely roast on a Sunday, which he really enjoys, and a nice Jamie Oliver one-minute steak stir-fry.
“And Matt loves my curves too – he loves the exotic look.”
. . . She says: “When he’s not filming he’s learning lines. He’s so into it. He loves it.
“I didn’t watch Doctor Who before, but now I do love a Dalek. I watched the first episode he was in, and then the next week I met him at Coachella festival in California and we’re still together.”
What a substantive interview!

Amazing Facts About Doctor Who That May Not Be True - Sylvester McCoy

Sylvester McCoy is so mean, he coats hard boiled sweets with epoxy resin, to make them last longer.

Torchwood Explodes onto Our Screens — New Images from the Doctor Who Spin-Off

"Death Is Not an Option"
The Doctor Who News Page has done yet another excellent roundup of this week's Torchwood: Miracle Day filming. We encourage everyone to read it, since re-posting all the hard work they've done would just be rude and tedious. Additionally from the same News Page post, there are a couple of excellent screencaps from some early promotional reels.
Looks like Mickey, right? Nope. It's Rex.
What classic Torchwood!
Poor Rhys . . .
I should tentatively mention that we haven't an original source for these pictures; the Doctor Who News Page hasn't quoted a source for them, but if someone finds it, don't hesitate to let us know.

Meanwhile, the poster at the very top of this post has some secrets to share. Its epic tagline certainly references the immortality storyline of Miracle Day, and it's given the fans of the MIPTV event at Cannes something to get excited about.

Production partner and Who alumna Julie Gardner detailed how Miracle Day developed.
"Season Three was transmitting on BBC One around the time that I moved to Los Angeles to work at BBC Worldwide Productions. Russell T Davies had also moved there and was looking for new challenges and wanted to try for a US career. [Seeing how well it did in the US, we thought) maybe there was another chapter of Torchwood to be told. And very happily we were able to see the title to Starz."
She then elaborated on the partnership with Starz.
The pillars of the show are actually the same. But I think the difference is that because of the quality of the co-production partnership between Starz and the BBC, we have an opportunity to tell a big story over ten episodes. The fact that we are transmitting on a pay premium cable channel means that we have to compete production-value wise in that environment. We're filming at the moment and from what I have seen so far we are able to do that.
And entertainment correspondent Richard A. Arnold is now in Cannes with, as seen in the picture below, Bill Pullman and John Barrowman.
Arnold (center)
Once again, we can't stress enough where this news came from. Check the Doctor Who News Page's original reports here and here.

EDIT: And Dalek1099 has just shown us this TV Guide, which doesn't have much other than a new shot of the Torchwood team.
"Are we there yet?"

Doctor Who's Paul McGann Is NOT Coming Back for Series 6

No, this is not confirmed. This "theory" is in no way more proven or evidenced than the "pro-McGann" position, but it is logical, something that doesn't support a possibility for the Eighth Doctor's return in Series 6. If you haven't even heard of this, don't worry. You've not missed out on much.

io9 succintly wraps up the rumours swarming across the Internet.
There's this utterly insane rumor going around that Paul McGann is "very likely" going to make an appearance as the Eighth Doctor in the upcoming series. Much as I would love to see a return appearance by his Doctor - and I still hold out some hope this will happen in a fiftieth anniversary special in 2013 - this rumor is completely bonkers, patently untrue, and doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense. 
The main evidence for this seems to be the fact that the latest trailer appears to feature the previous console room - the one used by the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, and not the Eighth, just so we're clear about how ridiculous this entire thing is - and the fact that the Doctor mentions the Time War, which was most likely fought by the Eighth Doctor. This of course will be like all the previous times the Doctor mentioned the Time War in the new series, and every time we then cut to a flashback of Paul McGann...or, you know, nothing even remotely like that ever happened. And I thought the David Tennant rumor was ridiculous...
In my oh-so-holy opinion, if Doctor Who were to return to the Eighth Doctor's death, The End of Time would have been the best and only time to do it. The opportunity is gone and in no way wasted.

Could you imagine being in the perspective of someone who's never seen the Classic Series or even someone who hasn't watched the TV Movie? It's likely that some of you reading this belong in that hypothetical group. Such a person would be utterly confused when some random, angry man appears onscreen ranting about the Time War. Would they think this is the Doctor from the past or the future? A return to the Eighth Doctor would instantly alienate millions of viewers.

So stop it. It's not going to happen. It simply isn't. There are so many better, rational plots to occur during Series 6, and a useless throwback to the past doesn't offer anything to the Doctor's current adventures without arbitrarily drawing a connection between the present and the past, which doesn't need to be explained in flashback anyway.

Doctor Who Wonder-Con Video of ''The Impossible Astronaut''

In the post below, we said there no videos yet existed of the Doctor Who Series 6 clips shown at WonderCon. This video, though of terribly poor quality, shows some "Impossible Astronaut" clips. I should mention that the quality is comparable to the Comic-Con trailer for The End of Time in 2009, if anyone here remembers that at all.

But if you're looking for a full, professional-quality video of the Wonder-Con panel, look no further.

Unfortunately, the much-desired clip from "The Doctor's Wife", which we have discussed in great detail, still remains missing. If you find it, don't hesitate to meet with us on the Chatango to the right or E-Mail us.

Thanks to JaHawk2009 for sending this to us and to Billy the Dalek for being better late than never.

Doctor Who SFX Location Photographs

SFX have some Doctor Who location photographs, we have seen some before though!

Its the Doctor verus the Nazis, as filiming took place for series six saw the crew back at Cardiff’s Temple Of Peace again (previously used for “The End Of The World”, “Gridlock”, “The Fires Of Pompeii” and “Cold Blood”). And if the story is set in World War II, then it looks like Amy has certainly been using some gravy browning to create that authentic stockings appearance...

See them here.

Professional Quality Video of the Doctor Who WonderCon Panel

It's available in full-screen and 720p HD.

Featuring writer Neil Gaiman ("The Doctor's Wife"), actor Mark Sheppard ("The Impossible Astronaut"), and director Toby Haynes (Series 5 finale, "A Christmas Carol"), the Doctor Who WonderCon panel surely did not disappoint. It was moderated by Chris Hardwick of the Nerdist Podcast.

However, while this video has certainly been made by a professional, it seems to lack the Series 6 clips we discussed earlier. This was deliberate, because no video recording thus far found has had the clips. So check out our discussion and spoiler-y recap, as reported by Charlie Jane Anders of io9. You'll want to know what the WonderCon attendants saw.

We previously posted poor quality videos here. Thanks to connor for pointing us in the right direction.

Vote In Our Poll - Who Is Going To Die At The Start of Doctor Who Series 6?

First, if you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the covers of the new DWM, here.

Moffat tells this months Doctor Who Magazine - We're not lying, we're not cheating, one of those four people is going to die! When I came up with this heart-wrenching twist, I thought "We'll kill off one of the leads in the season opener." It lures you in.

So lets look at the facts so far;

River Song died in Series 4.
The Doctor ceases to exist in Series 5.
Rory dies in Series 5.
Amy died in Series 5.

But as we all know, time can be rewritten, so the Doctor is the only one who hasn't actually died recently (yeah, I remember Turn Left). But its his series, and if hes dying, he is also coming back as he is in the rest of series 6.

In my eyes it has to be River Song, killing her will mess up the time lines, and the Doctor will probably need a little more than a large Elastoplast to put things right, perhaps time lines messing up are the rise of the Silence? Who knows. But River is in the later episodes, as is everyone, so what is happening?

Have your say....

The Doctor Who Bar's Nicholas Courtney Week

"...There is no doubt he was the most loved by fans..." —Tom Baker
Last week we were joined by the Doctor Who Bar on the Doctor Who iOS application WhoNews; and in honour of a very special man, the next session for this Who-watching online club will be going deep into the Classic Series.
The next Doctor Who Bar Session will be a very special for all of us. 'Remembering Nicholas' Celebrates the Life and Joy of the wondeful Nicholas Courtney who sadly passed away on 22nd February this year. Nicholas played the reaccuring great that is Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart In over 100 episodes. 'Five Rounds Rapid' was The Brig's Most famous line as the Chief of UNIT whose job was to Protect Earth from Attack. . . . 
So to Celebrate the Wonderful character played by Nicholas Courtney we bring you another Doctor Who Bar special - Remembering Nicholas. 
Over the next week we'll be bringing you our favourite memories of Nicholas, Some special tributes and lots more. On Saturday (9th April) we will be watching one 'Brig' story to celebrate his commitment to Doctor Who and to show what a great Actor and man he was. So please give us your Brig story suggestions from Early episodes to the recent Sarah Jane Adventures episodes, The Enemy of the Bane. we will be making a list of your comments and then putting them into a poll soon.
So send the Bar your suggestions and join them for a night of Brig-worshipping glory. You can follow the Doctor Who Bar on Twitter, go to their website, or simply send them an E-Mail at [email protected].

Major Series 6 Spoilers Surface from the Doctor Who Panel at WonderCon

Left to Right: Haynes; Sheppard; Gaiman; Hardwick
EDIT:  You can now watch the panel we're all talking about. But the videos have carefully skipped out on the Series 6 clips that we discuss early in this post, so read on . . .

Additionally, credit for the image above goes to Alice Cordova, whose image we found on the Doctor Who News Page.

We all knew that the WonderCon panel would amount to something, and writer Neil Gaiman ("The Doctor's Wife"), actor Mark Sheppard ("Impossible Astronaut"), and director Toby Haynes (Series 5 finale and "Christmas Carol") have not disappointed! A huge thanks goes out to io9 for reporting on this extravaganza.

Before we continue, I feel obligated to let everyone know that while this blog is a spoiler, the sheer mass of spoilers in here, especially the second paragraph down from this sentence, may put off some readers. So heed this warning; you won't get too many of those on this site over the next few weeks.
And we saw two clips. One from the first two-parter, in which Mark Sheppard's character, Delaware, is drinking in a bar when he gets recruited for a government mission. Delaware has left the FBI but President Nixon wants him for a secret mission. "You were my second choice for this mission," Nixon tells Delaware. "That's all right," Delaware replies. "You were my second choice for president." And meanwhile, in the TARDIS, River Song is telling the Doctor and friends about Delaware and his mission. 
Rory in the old TARDIS
And the second clip was from Neil Gaiman's episode, "The Doctor's Wife." The Doctor, Amy and Rory are on the spaceship graveyard planet, meeting a group of four or five people — including an Ood. Amy is alarmed by the Ood, but the Doctor tells her not to be scared. The Ood has a broken speech globe, but the Doctor repairs it — at which point, a babble of weird voices comes out until it shuts off. 
The Doctor is incredibly freaked out, and starts asking who else is there. Just The Room, explains the older woman in the group of natives. They're inside the Room and standing on it — the whole planet is The Room. The Doctor can meet The Room if he likes. The Doctor is very eager to do so — and Amy asks what those voices were. "Time Lords," the Doctor explains. Near here someplace, there are "lots and lots of Time Lords."
I'll let someone like Doctor Who Spoilers speculate on that. At this rate, any analysis is probably wrong anyway. But it's all terribly exciting and just a little bit mad!

Continuing, Mark Sheppard made what was perhaps the best comment of all:
"Nixon is scary. Talk about Steven writing monsters."
Neil Gaiman delved into the backstory of his Series 6 episode.
The Junkyard spaceship world
"It's called "The Doctor's Wife"... It's episode four. It was going to be episode eleven of the last season. But I got a sad email as they started shooting the last season, when they got up to the point where they were going to be shooting my episode. It said, "We've run out of money, so we're going to be shooting "The Lodger" instead because we can shoot that in a flat around the corner. And we can't make your episode in the flat around the corner.
"[Once filming did happen] . . . They took other other episodes in the bike-shed around back and beat them up and took their money.
"Rory didn't exist [in the earlier Series 5 draft], and that was during Rory's transient non-existent bit, so suddenly getting Rory back meant I had to do a draft of the script that was actually more fun. I was so grumpy at having to write a new draft, and then I discovered I could write these great lines for Rory, and Rory and Amy together."
Gaiman demonstrated what he meant by this when describing one excellent scene.
"Amy tells Rory off for leaving the Doctor on his own, and Rory says, 'Well, he's a Time Lord, he'll be fine." And she looks at Rory wit infinite compassion and says, 'Rory, it's just what they're called. it doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing.'"
Gaiman said the character of Idris in his episode "might possibly be an old acquaintance with a new face." He raved about the fact that "they never tried to rein me in," even though he had a "mad idea for a story." But he did face budgetary and time constraints that he wouldn't face when writing comics or novels. 
He wanted his episode to start as if it were in the middle of a totally different episode, where Amy and the Doctor have been captured. He wanted it to be like the Simpsons, where you think it's going in one direction and then it changes course. They got as far as making costumes for that scene, and did it in the read-through, but it had to be cut at the last minute because they didn't have enough time in the filming schedule. But then he realized it probably would have been cut down for timing reasons anyway.
Gaiman further mentioned that while William Hartnell was his first Doctor, he was "a bit scared of him. I was about as scared of him as I was of the monsters. But Patrick Toughton [was my Doctor]." Speaking about in-series mythology . . .

"Before I ever discovered the Egyptian or the Greek or the Norse or the Aztec mythology, I knew what a Dalek was. I could tell you what the initials for TARDIS stood for, back then. I used to worry about red Daleks, because I had a copy of Dalek World, which was one of these annuals... and it would talk in there about the fact that Daleks couldn't see the color red... and there were these red Daleks, and I had this vision of the Daleks going, 'What was that? I just saw these bumps floating past.' I had this huge body of knowledge to draw on when I started writing my episode."
Matt Smith was then complimented by Gaiman for his portrayal of the Doctor.
". . . [Matt] brought [the lines I wrote] in deeper and sometimes funnier and definitely odder than I ever believed in. . . . [He brings] the idea that the central entity and the body are two very different things."
Steering away from io9's reporting, Assignment X details some of the more sentimental aspects that Gaiman has brought to his episode.
"This may be my own opportunity to ever write an episode of Doctor Who so I’m going to put everything I’ve ever loved about Doctor Who into this one episode. And the whole of Doctor Who began in a junkyard. So I thought, let’s start it in a junkyard.
"But you've got to look behind you!"
"I got to put everything into the episode that I love about Doctor Who. I got to put funny stuff, and scary stuff, and exciting stuff, and heartbreaking stuff and running down corridors. All of these things are in there."
The writer of "The Doctor's Wife" also admitted that K-9 was not one of things he's loved about Doctor Who. He additionally referred to his episode as being "almost River-free". But, wait, "almost" . . .?

I hate to do such huge blocks of quoting, but io9 especially did such a nice job that I simply can't resist. But we've still cut some pieces of this WonderCon event out for the sake of saving space, so make sure you read the io9 article in full!

Just an Awesome Clip: Japanese Xylo-''phone'' Advertisement

Knowing the people who visit this blog, I just thought this would be something awesome to brighten everyone's day. No, it isn't Doctor Who, but it's so creative that I just had to share it!
What does it take to market a cellphone in Japan these days? Try an immense xylophone contraption that slowly plays out Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire in the middle of a large, mossy wood.
Source credit goes to Gizmodo.

Doctor Who Episode Eight Filming Roundup — Marching with the Nazis

Images from the Nazi filming on Doctor Who Episode Eight have continued surfacing. My personal favorite is this one, found on Doctor Who Spoilers, with Rory overly saluting a German guard before punching him in the face. Meanwhile, Amy has the sonic screwdriver in her pocket. So just where is the Doctor? Matt has only filmed a handful of scenes here.

So here's our Doctor Who roundup for filming on Episode Eight, "the one with the Nazis".
If you find anything we haven't posted—and please make sure we haven't posted it—don't hesitate to contact us, especially if you're on the set!

WonderCon 2011 Doctor Who Panel With Neil Gaiman, Mark Sheppard & Toby Haynes



Doctor Who Scan — Dalek Special Delivery

Source credit and massive thanks go out to Who Fix.

Doctor Who Jigsaw - The Doctor & Astrid

Let me know what you think.
preview192 piece
Click on image to start.
And there are a lot more of the same here.

Doctor Who Magazine 433 4 Different Covers DWM

(Click for Larger Images)

There are four different covers this issue, if you only intend to buy one magazine, and want a collectable one, I suspect the Rory cover will end up the rarest!

We talked about this earlier today, here.

BBC America Tweets Doctor Who Banners and a Sneak Peek

Nixon in the Oval Office.
This is from WonderCon yesterday, snapped during a tech rehearsal. It clearly shows Nixon in "that" scene we learned about.

And here are two banners, tweeted here and here.
Outside of WonderCon.
Inside of WonderCon.
Keep up with more at BBC America's Twitter account.

Doctor Who Magazine Covers Will Be Released Today

My favourite cover.
Doctor Who Magazine has exclusively revealed that the latest covers—emphasis on the plural—will be released very soon. We'll have them soon after they're up, of course. But what can we expect? Let's turn to DWMtweets.

First came the announcement.
"A warning: Very soon, we'll be revealing the covers. If you literally want to know NOTHING about the new series... well, you've been warned."
Then came the questions.
"Hmmm, we can't really say how much of a spoiler this spoiler is. It depends on your definition. What can we say? It's a *possible* spoiler."
And the questions kept coming . . .
"However, people are bound to be talking about this tomorrow [now today] – so, well, we've tried to warn you now! Don't be cross when we tweet tomorrow!"
And they kept coming . . .
"Not saying anything more tonight, and we know not everyone will see these warnings... but we've done our best... Goodnight for now!"
And they were still being fired out!
"Oh, blimey, stop asking us exactly how spoilery it is! It gives SOMETHING away, okay? Something you might not want to know... yet."
At least UpperClassTwitr had an intelligible question.
"can you at least say if it's anything to do with the title of episode 4?"
. . . To which DWM intelligibly but succinctly answered.
"No, it isn't."
So check back here today (probably) for the latest Doctor Who Magazine covers, if they're not already up at the time of posting this (probably not).

John Alderton In Doctor Who?

I went to see an old neighbour in hospital yesterday afternoon, he knows I am a Doctor Who fan and he asked about the blog, then went on to tell me this interesting story...

John Alderton was born in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire (my original home town) but grew up in Hull, my friend Tom grew up with John Alderton in Hull and was his friend, but hasn't seen him for many years, he recalls going for a drink with him in Gainsborough at the Jack and Jill pub in the 1980s, and remembers this story from the 1970s he told him, as Tom was always a Doctor Who fan, and is sure he has seen every episode on its original transmission!

I have filled in some facts, based on what Tom has told me - In late 1973 (after John Alderton appeared in Upstairs Downstairs), and after Tom had seen a Dalek story on TV (Planet of the Daleks), John Alderton was approached by someone he knew called David (probably director David Maloney) looking for someone to play a currently unnamed navy Doctor, who was to be a bit of a buffoon (Toms words), and hopefully become a semi-regular character.

John Alderton said he never turned it down, but it was only a chat, and told David he'd think about it. The part eventually became Harry Sullivan and was played by the late Ian Marter, John Alderton heard nothing more about the part.

Its certainly an interesting story, and I can see John in the part, but I think it went to the right actor.

Doctor Who Scan — Dress Rehearsal with Bessy

A photoshoot for the 1973 10th anniversary Radio Times special.
Source credit and massive thanks go out to Who Fix!


(Click for Larger Image)


A Farewell From Doctor11

There's not exactly an easy way to say this, so I'll go with the simplest. Goodbye.

Yes, sadly, I'm leaving my permanent position on the blog. I may, however, be posting occasionally whenever I have some spare time.

I've enjoyed all of the five months (count 'em) I've spent here, and I'd like to thank everyone who visits the blog, as it's motivating to see hits escalate and comments appear. Thanks to all of you.

Oh, almost forgot. Last words!

"It's the end... but the moment has been prepared for." (*Winks*)

Doctor Who Of The Day - The Lodger

In The Lodger, The Doctor introduces himself to the alien timeship as Captain Troy Handsome of International Rescue. Please state the nature of your emergency, referencing both (Thunderbirds International Rescue is the name of their organisation) and Star Trek Voyager (Please state the nature of your medical emergency is the first thing Voyagers Emergency Medical Hologram.