Friday, 6 April 2012


(FYI...This spoiler is, IMHO, not that big. Especially if you do not care about character drama. Others may not agree though so we have done it like this. Remember though, this blog is a spoiler!)

It has been leaked that, in conjunction with their argument, that....

Highlight to read.
Amy and Rory are getting divorced. At least they plan to that is. Seen on the set today was a prop of Amy and Rory’s divorce papers. As it is only episode 1, these may not get used at all (and since one of them probably dies, probably not at all).

It is also believed that Rory gets on a bus with an envelope containing them. Is the envelope blue by any chance?


Michael said...

Question: What is the point of watching ANY drama, sci-fi or otherwise, if you don't care about the characters?

pcjonathan said...

That would vary IMHO depending on who you ask. 

Personally, I don't really like that much drama that contains stuff like this. I don't watch TV because I cared too much about the far too clichéd character developments. If I did, I would watch crap like Eastenders. But that's just my opinion. Doesn't mean I can't respect others and keep it "spoilered" :)

pcjonathan said...

That would vary IMHO depending on who you ask. 

Personally, I don't really like that much drama that contains stuff like this. I don't watch TV because I cared too much about the far too clichéd character developments. If I did, I would watch crap like Eastenders. But that's just my opinion. Doesn't mean I can't respect others and keep it "spoilered" :)

Sarah Lynn Reed said...

I kind of don't believe anything that comes out at this point. SM just works that way. You don't know until you know, and then you still don't know. I've learned to accept.

Adam Kalontas Jędrys said...

For a moment there I thought it's gonna say ZYGONS.

Kara G said...

Given that the Doctor gave Amy and Rory a really good send-off in God Complex, I've been wondering how Moffet was planning to bring them back as companions. 
Given that Rory joined originally when the Doctor was trying to fix their relationship, I could see Amy calling the Doctor and asking him to bring them with him again as an attempt to save the relationship. 

Farsighted said...

Amy isn't wearing her wedding ring; either is Arthur (if you see the photos from the Daily Mail where that one came from). Arthur was filmed getting on a red London double-decker bus ... with London bus signs in sight... so...  draw your own conclusions.

Teca Haggett said...

I don't think it's true. If it is true, I'll be really mad. You don't wait 2000 years for someone just to leave them. 

Naya Rivera said...

I agree it can't be true!

I_can_only_speak_for_myself said...

No drama, no point ;-)  I'd rather have too much Eastenders than up its own ---- hardcore sci-fi. I thought The Doctor's Wife and The Girl Who Waited both got the balance exactly right.

Mike Jackson said...

I hope that neither one of the Pond dies and that Moffat is simply teasing the idea to have us all on about their exit from the series. I'd like it to end with the Doctor undoing even River's incarceration in Storm Cage and 'death' in The Library. It would be an interesting, and even bittersweet thing somewhat like Donna Noble for him to undo that history so perhaps they don't even remember him. That was a powerful moment, perhaps one of THE most powerful moments in the show's history where River commands the Doctor "don't you dare" change one moment of their life together and the Doctor this time telling her that he loves her too much not to dare. If he could change that, leaving them unaware of who he is, like with Donna, seeing Alex who introduces herself to the Doctor "I'm Melanie Pond and you are?" - oh that would be a crushing thing for the Doctor, but it would be the sort of thing he would do, sacrifice his happiness for theirs. That's what a hero does.

pcjonathan said...

Now those episodes were totally different and yes I do agree they were great...I think I should have been more clear on the hating of clichéd stuff and not drama has a whole.

Ryan Ellis said...

It's all becoming a little bit soapy now isn't it? Baby swap, almost-affairs, long lost daughters, resurrections and now divorce?! And I thought RTD was too soapy!

masterrhys17 said...

I took some pics of that filming and Rory with the envelope Didn't see if they were divorce papers though.

Hamish Finlay said...

Has it occurred to anyone that Rory could be divorcing Amy under orders from the Doctor, out of love for her/to save her from something, for reasons timey wimy and he would later intend them to get back together.

Because with SM the characters are quite often the plot.

Michelle Harris-Frazier said...

I will be pissed if they get a divorce..I mean he waited for her for 2000 yrs and she brought him back to life with her memories..and he was always there even if she didn't remember him,like on the Wedding Of River Song..So what in the world would they get a divorce? I will be mad if they kill one of them too..

Merida. said...

*melody pond

Liam said...

To be totally honest Doctor Who has gotten worse and worse since Matt Smith came along also Moffats storys are really way too dramatic & the only thing keeping me watching was the ponds now even they are starting to get crappy I mean DIVORCE DOCTOR WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR CHILDREN!!!

Lani Grice said...

We're being trolled. It's been leaked because they know we're going to be in an uproar about it. It's a troll. Trolling...right?

Michael Irwin said...

for children? hardly a children's show

Michael Irwin said...

That countdown timer is incorrect for America and London LOL! I saw the clip on YouTube of it actually being said. Surely it will be resolved. Moffatt wouldnt have had Rory wait 2000 years just to wrap things up in a divorce then death by weeping angel. He plans ahead. He had said himself that he writes a beginning and then a general idea or an end. This is just out of context story blips to get people excited.

lachance.marianne said...

Matt Smith isn't the problem; he is a much better Doctor than anyone had anticipated. Steven Moffat is the problem. Like you said, his stories over-dramatic and he is really only good for one or two stories per eposiode. Plus, he takes advise from his kids, but what would THEY know about what entertains most Dr Who fans?!

Madeline Mooney said...

they cant get a divorce they go together soo well

Hannayah said...

well it turns out it is true

Jonathan Swift said...

Well this happened ages ago but I got here looking for info on why they were getting a divorce. It just happens out of the blue. And then we learn it happened because AMy couldn't give Rory kids and how it was just oh so hard and worse for Amy to give up Rory for this reason.. as opposed to Rory having no clue why the divorce is happening. At times I really think Amy is a spoiled like itch. Rory freaking has to deal with AMy always flirting wither her son-in-law. And Rory freaking hung around defending her for 2000 years so I hate that Amy thinks it is worse for her to break up and give up Rory. I do not know any person who is rational would file for a divorce based on the sole thought that the other person wants kids but they cannot have a child. i mean would you not talk to the person first.. as Rory is not that concerned and just wants to be with Amy. After the Tennet years this show went own hill in this respect. I know some seem to think Moffat is a genius but he just uses the same tricks over and over and over.