Wednesday, 11 July 2012

BBC Worldwide announce Sonic Screwdriver TV Remote!

After being heavily rumoured and talked about online, BBC Worldwide have released photos of a brand new product - The Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver TV Remote! It happens to be made by the same company that brought Harry Potter fans a TV Remote magic wand. The Sonic Screwdriver features a green flashing tip, an FX mode incorporating vintage Doctor Who sound effects and uses a series of 13 gestures, such as rotating, flicking or tapping to control devices.

It is full to the brim of features and can contain memory to be able to control 3 different devices which can include a TV, Blu-ray, DVD, ETC. It is due for official release on Friday 31 August 2012, which could be just in time for the new series if it airs on Saturday 1st September, or just 1 week after if it airs on 25th August .

It is listed to be on sale on the and



Emily Anne Miron-Neilsen said...

will it be available in the US also??

Shannon Reynolds said...

Any idea as to how much this would cost?