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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Doctor Who - The Battle of Demon's Run: Two Days Later

The Snowmen caused us all to wonder how Sontaran Nurse Strax was alive again, after we had seen him 'die' at Demon's Run way back in A Good Man Goes to War. This brand new video released as an iTunes exclusive now explains how, plus it's in full HD!


Christel Doctor Who said...

sooo....making videos on the hop to get round our own plot holes are we now Moffat? Classy.

Tom Shearsmith MYP said...

Going to be honest - I feel he's had this planned a while and your POV is just biased because Moffat did it. :P

Cult_Of_The_Critic said...

Moffat or no, I still think it's the lamest explanation ever used in Who.

Christel Doctor Who said...

Perhaps it is, but you have to admit, if he did have it planned why not just not "kill" Strax off at Demons Run. Then at least it wouldnt look as half arsed as it does.

Christel Doctor Who said...

Here here.

Steve Andrew said...

Oh who cares? Can't it just be a funny little clip?

Steve Andrew said...

Oh who cares, can't it just be an amusing little clip?

pcjonathan said...

Totally disagreed there Tom. If this was done BEFORE The Snowmen or not at all, then it wouldn't seem so bad, but the sheer fact it is done after it signifies something that went from "Mystifying" to something that's "not very well thought out with a lame excuse to wrap it up".

Mike Lynch said...

Blocked by the BBC now. Ah well!

Jack Artagan Mackenna said...

Fans taking stuff too seriously again what a surprise