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A Young Moffat |
We know that previously, they had who took over sorted out before the writing of Series 4 finished. Moffat has also recently exclaimed in an interview that "I'm nearer the end than the beginning", which in itself strongly hints that series 8 is the last.
Lets also not forget about how long executive producers stay for is on average, aside from the rare circumstance, less time than Moffat has already served.
How strongly could this be hinting for Moffat's leaving, or could this simply be due to the fact that they must make up for the recent announcements of (exec) producers moving on, ie. Marcus Wilson and Caroline Skinner? While Skinner does have a replacement announced, Faith Penhale, it is unclear whether she is here just for the 50th or for series 8 and maybe beyond as well.
(This post is purely speculative)
What do you think? Do you want him gone? Would you preferred he reigned supreme for eternity? Do you think he will be gone?
Steven Moffat is in my opinion the best writer of DOCTOR WHO since Robert Holmes. I love what he's done with the show, and Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor since Tom Baker.
That said, I think it's important to get off stage at the appropriate time. Four years would be an excellent run, and I'm definitely keen to see what else he has in mind to do.
By end of series 8 he will have the 50th under his belt, plus 4 great series, That would be enough for anyone I would imagine
He always talks about wanting RTD to write episodes for his who.
So even if Moffatt does go, he'll probably still write the occasional story.
I'm for it!
Let him go, the sooner the better, but I do like his Sherlock Holmes series.
If David Tenant returns as the Doctor permanently bring back Martha too, they are sexy and like forbidden fruit together and I guess RTD should return as well - spice it up.
Um.. Remember Caroline Skinner has just left and they are looking for someone to work with their LEAD WRITER who would also be an executive producer.
Anyone who wants the doctor to de-regenerate into ANY past version, or any past version to take back over permanently is a fake fan who fails to grasp the show. Don't be ignorant.
It only seems like yesterday when I watched The Eleventh Hour; the beginning of the Moffat era! But I think like with RTD, four series and a number of specials is enough for one brilliant mind.
I could easily see Neil Gamin being head writer for 2 or 3wonderful series with Moffatt and RTD writing one offs.
That would be a who fans wet dream.
i was pleased tp see moff replace RTD at the time, BUT now i moss RTD, moff leaves too many unanswered questions. he is a very good writed but IMHO is the wrong showrunner! i hope s8 is his last
Yes, I'd like to see Moffat stay on for as long as possible, because he is, in my opinion, the best writer the show's ever had and, if he leaves, the most obvious choice for his replacement is Mark Gatiss, who is a terrible writer.
What @facebook-1002508048:disqus said.
What unanswered questions has he left?
Mark Gatiss deserves it. He's written for the TV series, for BBC books, for Virgin New Adventures, for Big Finish audio dramas, spoofs, An Adventure in Space and Time and has even acted in the series on multiple occasions. He knows Doctor Who and he deserves the spot. It would be appropriate too since Moffat and Gatiss work on Sherlock together.
Best writer the show's ever had? Have you even heard of Robert Holmes?
I would rather Moffat leave after 8 than have him burn out and produce a really bad series. Series Five was amazing and the standout episodes were written by the Moff. Six, not so much. IMO the best Series Six episodes were The Doctor's Wife and The Girl Who Waited. Series Seven is a return to form with fantastic episodes and no clunkers. I just finished reading RTD's The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter. Showrunner is a very stressful job.
Doctor Who thrives on change, so no problems there. Steven Moffat's scripts haven't been as watertight since he's been too busy with the rest of the show. Having Steven hand over to someone new could free up his time for other projects and the occasional "more polished" Doctor Who story.
It says they're looking for someone to work with their lead writer. Which means that person isn't their lead writer. They're just looking for someone to replace Caro.
A degenerating Doctor would be better than another year of this. Almost every episode seems like some type of weird circus event. There are a few gems (1 or 2), admittedly in each series but not enough to warrant buying a DVD or claim the series a success.
I grasp the show perfectly, it's science fiction so anything we can imagine can happen, particularly in the Who Universe
I really dig Steven Moffat run. I liked RTD era, but i LOVE what Steven had done to the series. It finally feels like a modern SF show. All the previous series (altough were great fun) felt like a cheap old TV show. You have to keep moving. I would miss SM if he leave DW after 8th season, but I thought I'd miss David Tennant when he was about to leave and now Im amazed by Matt Smith's Doctor.
I've watched every episode of Doctor Who that still exists since 1963 and ... seriously it is time for change, both lead actor and producer. So many brilliant possibilities have been missed here, the show keeps turning into a cartoon.
i dont know how can anyone not like moffat. He was the best thing tt happen to doctor who. BEST.THING. i hate to see him go.
the stupid is strong with this one..
I didn't like what he was doing with the show at first, but its grown on me and I'm enjoying it more than ever. But yes maybe it would be time for time to step down as others have said 4 years is a long time to keep coming up with fresh idea's he is already spreading himself to thinly with Sherlock as well as Doctor Who,
I'd hate for Steven Moffat to leave Doctor Who any time soon. Series 5,6,7, the 50th Anniversary and Seires 8 would be enough but I just want him to go on!
Moffat was good. Series 5 and 6 were amazing...but series 7...all I can say is: "Don't you think he looks tired?"
Also, I envy his position. I wish I was head writer. I have so many amazing ideas for the future of Doctor Who and it's my ambition to be where he is now.
Hell no. Why would David Tennant return permanantly? Stop being stupid and get a life.
Mark Gatiss has stated he wants nothing to do with the head writer job, too much stress for him so you can rest easy there.
Despite this? http://stfu-moffat.tumblr.com/post/30991164205/how-moffat-ruined-doctor-who-for-my-little-sister
Maybe because of this. http://stfu-moffat.tumblr.com/post/30991164205/how-moffat-ruined-doctor-who-for-my-little-sister He's a misogynistic individual with a terrible approach to LGBTQ issues, & completely dismissive of any criticism no matter how well-founded.
I absolutely disagree. Moffat is misogynistic, terrible with LGBTQ issues, & leaves far too many plot-holes. http://stfu-moffat.tumblr.com/post/30991164205/how-moffat-ruined-doctor-who-for-my-little-sister
You still shouldn't like it. It reeks of misogyny & plot-holes: http://stfu-moffat.tumblr.com/post/30991164205/how-moffat-ruined-doctor-who-for-my-little-sister
http://stfu-moffat.tumblr.com might fit you.
To be fair, a reset on Moffat wouldn't necessarily be unwelcome.
Moffat is an awful writer. http://stfu-moffat.tumblr.com/post/30991164205/how-moffat-ruined-doctor-who-for-my-little-sister
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