As we've mentioned before, Colin Baker writes a weekly column for the Bucks Free Press.
These are enthusiastically random and the topics range from Eurovision to his take on recent politics (briefly: he's more conservative than Robert Holmes, and more liberal than William Hartnell) to his continuing battles with airplane travel. This week, he
wrote about the 50th Anniversary and how much he's been enjoying the rejiggered show. Not surprisingly, the bulk of his admiration goes to the work of the three most recent actors to play the Doctor (his likening of Matt Smith to Patrick Troughton is familiar, but comparing Smith to Cary Grant is a new one). But here's the juicy paragraph: "It is beyond doubt that white males have thus far dominated the incarnations and I am one of the seemingly unpopular minority who would be intrigued to learn that the Doctor is in touch, say, with his feminine side. They won’t do it of course. They would fear the probable resultant drop in viewer figures, but I would applaud their bravery – and honesty if they did."
Bit of a cynical view of Moffat & Co, but it's more than probable that Baker has accurately summed up the views of the current production team there. Come to think of it, Baker's wording might cover a black Time Lord as well (we didn't write up Craig Charles
contemplating the part because he's more or less ruled himself out of the running already, due to preoccupation with a certain other skiffy show he's already starring in. Much as he'd like it.). Also, apparently Baker's quite chuffed about being on an official stamp for the Royal Mail. You can go buy it
here if you want one.
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