Monday, 4 November 2013

UK Air Date/Time Confirmed for An Adventure in Space and Time

It has been confirmed that the docudrama for An Adventure in Space and Time will air on Thursday 21st November at 9pm. As previously posted, the synopsis for this episode is as follows:

This special one-off drama travels back in time to 1963 to see how the beloved Doctor Who was first brought to the screen. 
Actor William Hartnell felt trapped by a succession of hard-man roles. Wannabe producer Verity Lambert was frustrated by the TV industry’s glass ceiling. Both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a Saturday tea-time drama, time travel and monsters! 
Allied with a team of brilliant people, they went on to create the longest-running science fiction series ever, now celebrating its 50th anniversary.

There are also a number of interviews available here 

It is set to premiere in Australia on Sunday 24th November at 8:45pm. BBC America is set to air it on the 22nd at 9pm.


pcjonathan said...

Pretty damn awesome birthday present IMHO. Consolation for it being so close, yet so far.

will said...

The return of two Patrick Troughton stories was the best present yet. I doubt I'll enjoy the 50th show with two Doctors. Wow. Two whole Doctors in the 50th show. Facepalm.