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Friday, 22 April 2011

Doctor Who Blip — Embargoed Images Released at Midnight Tonight

Make sure you drop by the official Doctor Who BBC site at midnight, British time. They've got a surprise in store . . .
We've been given special permission to run three new images at one minute past midnight tonight - astonishing images that will have you wishing you could leap in a TARDIS and go straight to 6pm on Saturday evening. 
Steven Moffat (Lead Writer and Executive Producer) has talked about big shocks and 'game-changers' in this series and our photos from The Impossible Astronaut show he wasn't joking! Don't worry if you're not a night owl - the images and accompanying feature will be there in the morning. But if you don't normally like big surprises too early in the day, we suggest you prepare yourself...
But what will these images reveal? Perhaps the image above is a clue; after all, when I downloaded it from the BBC bulletin post, it automatically saved as "d11s02_prequel_tease_01a". A clue? No matter what they are, of course, we'll have them up on this site shortly afterwards. With any luck they'll be high resolution.