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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The First Seven Episode Titles Of Doctor Who Are...

This titles to the first seven episodes of Doctor Who have been released by Doctor Who Magazine;

1) The Impossible Astronaut
2) Day of the Moon
3) The Curse of the Black Spot
4) The Doctor's Wife
5) The Rebel Flesh
6) The Almost People
7) A Good Man Goes to War

source1, source2.


10thPlanet said...

Thanks for posting this, and sorry I sounded a bit brisk back there. I wish I could post 24/7, but it's simply not possible!

Combom said...

np m8, saw it as i got in, 1st thing i did :)

HarrySaxon said...

Wow, awesome titles. I think this is a big step up from last year's batch of titles. I especially like "the almost people", it manages to be sort of campy but a little creepy.

10thPlanet said...

I still live "His Darkest Hour". The Black Spot, if I remember, was a "Treasure Planet" thing where someone's marked for death.

HarrySaxon said...

@10thplanet Actually "the Black Spot" is from the book "Treasure Island" originally. It's the sign of doom that the pirates would send to any of their party marked for death.

10thPlanet said...

Oh God . . . Did I say "Treasure Planet"? I hate Disney; that stupid movie was on Tv this morning: that's why I said that. xD

10thPlanet said...

No, but I've read the book. I know what I'm talking about; dumb kids movies just ruin it for me.

HarrySaxon said...

@10thplanet Well thank god, that movie ruined everything I loved about the book so I was biting my tongue to stop from bothering you. So all is forgiven, point being,I like that title.

chris said...

The Curse of the Black Spot...a gardening show about roses?? :)

Looks to be another excellent year!

Blink said...

Clever twist on the Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl title... I personally preferred "Gangers" to "The Almost People", but still good titles on the whole. :)

RabidPuppyDesign said...

theirs alot of "The (inster title name)" this season..

MrGrumpy said...

>>Did I say "Treasure Planet"? I hate Disney; that stupid movie was on Tv this morning<<

You know what? I watched that on DVD last week.. its a HUGELY underrated film, and I loved it.
Emma Thompson's captain character deserves a spot in Who!
Goes to show... one man's meat and all that...

Wizzer10 said...

The Curse of the Black Spot must be a pirate one. The black spot was a pirate indicator of a cursed man within the ranks. Not that I fill my head with stuff other than the titles of every episode of Doctor Who or anything...

Mark said...

I am so excited for this series to start, I don't even know what to do with myself. Guess I'll have a swing through Queenstown, Dunedin, and the Far South to distract myself over the interim, but how I'd love to be in New York this Sunday!

Agnostic on the change from "Gangers" (cool, but what the hell is that?) to "The Almost People" (cool but classic-campy).

"A Good Man Goes to War" could be a Tim O'Brien short story or a Jimmy Stewart movie. I love it.

Luke said...

Ah, "The Almost People" reminds me of the NA "The Also People" ... that was a great book. The People are one of the best additions to the Whoverse...

10thPlanet said...

@ Mark

"Gangers", which is now "The Almost People" and is somehow about cloning, refers to the idea of Doppelgängers.