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Saturday, 16 April 2011

John Simm As The Master To Return? Doctor Who

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has suggested that John Simm could reprise his role as The Master. At a recent Doctor Who screening in New York, Moffat suggested that Simm could reappear in a future episode.

"After [his last appearance] he'd been saying, 'I think now that David [Tennant]'s left as the Doctor, I would have to leave the Master'. "He [later] pulled me aside and said, 'I didn't mean that! Look at me, I'm fit, I'm okay!'"

Moffat also dismissed the suggestion that Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch could replace Simm. "Benedict has to wait in line probably," he said.



Pauluus said...

I'd have either of these two as the master, both bring different things to the role although the idea of Cumberbatch is mouthwatering! What a great foil he'd be for Matt Smith.

Gazz said...

New. he wouldn't work with Matt's Doctor, especially as Matt say's he wants to take the Doctor down a darker path (he needs to study series 25 & 26 and a few New Adventure novels wouldn't hurt). someone like benedict cumberbatch, opposite Matt would work

Celestial Fundy said...

How many times can you kill off the Master and then bring him back again? It all gets a bit predictable.

Combom said...

in new who - never so far!

Celestial Fundy said...

End of Time?

Dalek1099 said...

if he comes back that will be another time because he died in the end of time

Combom said...

yes, but i can argue in the end of time he wasant brought back from the dead, it was something prepared for, he intended it to happen. so actually "back from the dead" so far = 0

RabidPuppyDesign said...


we dont know that he died, we just assume he did cus he disapeared after he shot off those lightning hads at the time lords ..or do i need to rewatch end of time

The Scientist said...

Wouldn't mind John Simm returning, he was brilliant in series 3. He was crap in the End of Time though, hope if he returns hes not like he was in EoT.

Combom said...

i wanna see a regenerated master, simm become someone else :)

liminalD said...

I really wanted Antony Head to turn out to be the Master back in 2006 - he was PERFECT. Derek Jacobi in 2007 was similarly magnificent. John Simm can do manic and unhinged, but he can't do Roger Delgado-cool-and-calculating (Delgado was THE Master, forget the other two). I just can't picture Smith and Simm acting opposite each other... Simm was good opposite Tennant but his stint really is over, IMO.

coconaut said...

I would love to see Simm return as the Master in a "regular" episode. The problem with the super villains appearing in the climaxes is that we never get to see their individual characteristics and their plotting and scheming.

We only see ranting and reacting and the END OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE (in five minutes). Davros and the Master were wasted in the recent season finales (JE and EoT) since they didn't have much to do!

Give Simm as the Master in a few regular episodes where the fate of the universe isn't in peril and I reckon he could be Delago-esque in villainy.

coconaut said...

I also wish they could find a way to bring back Derek Jacobi ... possibly the best performance in DW ever

DJ Rob Cyberman said...

Coconaut, theres only one problem with bringing Jakobi back as the Master. That isn't that he's regenerated since either. The problem is Jakobi didn't know he was the Master til 3 minutes before he regenerated. So the only way it could be done believably would be to have another Master maybe Simm time travel back and grab himself before he regenerates. Giving 2 different Masters in the same story. The Master has battled multiple Doctors before, so the opposite would be a refreshing change.

10thPlanet said...

"Yes, Mr. . . . Doctor, was it? Ah, yes, my name is, erm, Professor . . . Anay."