Saturday, 23 April 2011

Steven Moffat Claims that Doctor Who Funding Comes through Merchandising

With its usual bombastic headlines and exaggeration of facts, The Sun reports that "Tills ring to keep Dr alive", whereas what Steven Moffat actually says is more reasonable and a bit heartwarming.
Steven Moffat said cash from toys, DVDs and the Doctor Who Experience was "partly to raise money to make the show". Each episode costs about £1 million but the Beeb, under pressure to cut costs, puts in just £700,000. 
The rest is raised from merchandising. 
Moffat added: "It isn't possible to give Doctor Who enough money. We could spend Avatar's budget."
Personally, I feel satisfied that fans across the world are able to contribute towards Doctor Who's growing success by feeding our love (Read: cash) back into the BBC. Makes our 76 Totter's Lane posts seem less silly now, doesn't it? No? Not even a little?