Saturday, 4 June 2011

Watch Doctor Who "A Good Man Goes To War" — Series 6 607 Free, International, Streaming

Once again, the awe-inspiring PCJonathan has uploaded the latest Doctor Who episode in under two hours! Unfortunately, while we enjoy having so many people on this site, the amount of traffic it's brought us has overloaded the video, so we've temporarily removed it.

UPDATE: While Doctor Who Media, has the site in its full, original quality, there are quite a lot of people taking advantage of it, but you'll be hard-pressed to find another streaming video that isn't experiencing the same problem.

Doctor Who Media requires sign-up, but it's quick, easy, and free, and it's worth having an account there anyway, because PCJ's currently in the process of loading the previous New Series episodes to the site.

But because of the streaming problems, we strongly recommend that you use our download links if possible. So if you think the quality isn't good enough, or it's lagging too much, or some other complaint we couldn't possibly think of, just . . .

Evidently, the .avi file downloads in about eleven minutes. Remember, this is still one of the only places offering streams and downloads; Doctor Who has gotten immensely popular among download sites right now, and quality has suffered as a result.

By the way, we will not be offering an embed code; this video is exclusive to Life, Doctor Who & Combom and Doctor Who Media; but you're more than welcome to refer people here. In fact, please advertise this service.

Use Facebook, Twitter, shouting out your window—whichever you prefer. Just spread the word that Britain isn't the only country that gets to watch the Mid-Series Finale today!

Enjoy, everyone! And join us again in the autumn.


Snake said...

Nice and proper job. Brilliant !

Blink said...

Great job PCJ! :) You can now rest until the Autumn!

Verna said...

Thank You !!I caught bits and pieces earlier, and the ending, now can watch in peace and quiet LOL

thomas said...

where is the embedded code

Combom said...

thomas- only if i can kill you first

Combom said...

and great one pcj :)

rzochoa said...

@thomas dude, didn't you ask that last week and you were told there wasn't one nor were they going to out one up. I've been to your blog and I agree that you will just steal the post with no credit word for word. In addition to that, they have worked hard on it, and deserve to have it to themselves

HelgaMarie said...

thank you so much for making this available to us americans!1!

Bslotkin said...

It's a bit laggy on Doctor Who Media too, is it my computer or a high-traffic problem?

Z & P said...

thank you thank you thank you!! all the other links I've tried were totally out of sync.

10thPlanet said...

It might be a bit laggy, but that's either because of your Internet speeds or because of increased traffic on Doctor Who Media. We're working to make sure it isn't the latter.

Draculasaurus said...

Thanks team!
what would I do without you.

Rae said...

Downloaded the avi file & the audio is about 5 seconds off...

Lucille7777 said...

I hope PCJ re-uploads the International Version soon because I've tried the other suggested sight and it's not working.

liminalD said...

Thanks guys... much appreciated, as always :)

10thPlanet said...

The audio is off? Seriously? Ugh . . .

We'll see about reuploading tomorrow. Maybe Megavideo?

deadmanstar said...

There are new links ending with Bia that work perfectly.

Lucille7777 said...

After I registered with DoctorWhoMedia I was able to view the Good Man Goes to War video. I was a little choppy at first put it works.

bigbradwolf said...

The audio in mine is off for about five minutes then randomly aligns itself. I lined up the computer audio with my DVD player for those five minutes then it fixed itself with a glitchy-sound and I went to the TV again.

Raukodraug said...
This post has been removed by the author.
Raukodraug said...

Thomas, I love your disclaimer. Especially the bit that says...

"If we have used your work, but missed your name off, please accept our apologies and email Combom immediately, who will fix the problem ASAP."

Really? REALLY? Not only did you steal posts... you even stole your disclaimer from this site.

That's just sad. You should be embarrassed to even show your face around here.

funtimevash said...

You guys are the best, all of you! And PCJ, you are a brilliant technogod for bringing Doctor Who to the people like this. Especially us American fans. We are eternally grateful for you awesomeness!

Elisa said...

Hey! I had a hard time with the downloads, but I found this link:

This is just part 1 of 3, but the other 2 parts are there too. It was posted by somebody called IDavros. (No credit goes to me)