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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Doctor Who Title Sequence to Change In Every Series 7 Episode

We heard last night that Doctor Who will be getting a new title sequence for Series 7, but it was revealed that it will change in every episode throughout the Series. describe it as: "Based on the same font, it’s black with silver studs, looking all Dalek-y. Something special for the season opener?
Not a bit of it. Bleeding Cool have been told from BBC sources that the title will change with every episode to reflect the content. So Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, for example, will see the logo covered in scales…"

Radio Times say: "Look out, too, for a tweak to the title sequence – it’s the same “colonoscopy-in-space” effect but with a bluey-green tinge and a redesigned logo. The Moff tells me that there’ll be a special logo and title fonts to match all five episodes."

A few minor changes include a different credit font which fades in differently and a movement of the DW Tardis logo. 


Whopix said...

sounds good, now all we need them to do is fix the music...

Joe Shelby said...

great, they've gone all teal & orange like everybody else has. dear tv and movie producers: there are more colors in the spectrum than just those two...

nataliesharp said...

Have you not been watching the show? That's been the title sequence for like two seasons now. You haven't even seen the new one.

Jason said...

The title sequence in the picture has been here since 2010...

nataliesharp said...

Yeah, it's a little muddy on my speakers at home, and we have nice speakers here. I don't really mind the song so much as it lost some of the dynamism.