Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The Doctor Who Series 6 Stateside Screening — Reba Baskett's Gallery of NYC and the TARDIS Team

Arriving in style.
Following her massive, professional-quality gallery of photographs from last Friday's Barnes & Noble signing, designer and photographer Reba Baskett attended the New York City screening of "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon".
"In order to get into the showing I ended up spending 23.5 hours on the New York sidewalks along with other fans that wanted the first glimpse of the new season. 
"Monday morning the people in line got a WONDERFUL surprise. The cast brought us doughnuts. I got my picture taken with Matt and Karen. I also had my picture taken with Arthur but it ended up being blurry. We were all so happy they came out and spent some time with us. (I will post the pictures of me and Matt and Karen when I get them from the people who took them). I had met the cast on Friday but did not get pictures with them so I was so excited and the energy from that lasted through the afternoon until the cast arrived about 6:45ish.
What I will say is that the episodes are two best episodes that I have ever seen. They are scary — very scary. The new villain is very scary. The first scenes of episode one will leave you with your mouth dangling open going “WHAT” right till the end of episode two where you are going “OMG WHAT WHAT WHAT”!!!!!! I am so excited for this upcoming season — I think it will be the best season so far.
Surely many of our readers fortunate enough to attend, including reviewer David Thorp, can attest to how brilliant the episodes were. Nevertheless, Reba Baskett's true gift to the Whovian community is her extensive gallery of high-quality photographs of the event, from standing in line to the Q&A. Live the experience; view the gallery.

Here were some of our favorite pictures.
Arthur and Alex: what a comparison!
A great answer to a great question.
Contemplating handsomely, as always.
Karen gets stumped, and Matt gets distracted.
Put that on the Radio Times.
Dozens of other pictures—count them—simply couldn't fit onto this post. Also, that would be stealing. And stealing is bad. Usually. So see Reba Baskett's full gallery of photographs from the Series 6 screening.