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Saturday, 23 April 2011

Doctor Who Embargoed Pictures Released for ''The Impossible Astronaut'' — Click to See

This blog in and of itself should always be considered a spoiler, but for once we'll give you this piece of advice: if you're a spoiler-phobe, turn away now. The following pictures, released by the BBC at midnight tonight, are surprisingly spoiler-y. They will tell you certain details about "The Impossible Astronaut" that you may regret knowing; so if you really hate spoilers, avoid this post, and you might just hate us for letting you know about them.

This also means that you should avoid just about every Doctor Who blog or fansite or forum in existence, even the official site, where we found these images . . .

Click the following to view the biggest spoilers the BBC has ever unleashed.


madeingallifrey said...

Are we to think that it's The Doctor who dies early in the episode then?

orm said...

We're not to think anything, it's showing us what's happening there.

Who's to say we're meeting the current Doctor at the beginning?

Angelo said...

whoa, spoliers. Damn, that ruins a lot of the surprise i had when i saw the episode. One of these is the star trek line, by the way.

Sarah P (Saltey) said...

wow, they're kinda spoilery, surprised they released them before the episode.

David said...

Most stupid release of pictures ever. Aside from the Silent one. Seriously, really dissapointed BBC released these. Makes me glad I've seen it already. Kind of reveals the big spoiler I sneakily put in my review aswell.

David said...

Even if we know its not the current Doctor regenerating. It ruins the absolute genuine shock of seeing it. Its so brilliant out of nowhere.

how_we_dance said...

If that's a future version of Eleven, does this mean we're always going to know how he dies now? Unless time is rewritten.

David said...

He's 1103 there. Im pretty certain Matts not gonna stay for 200 years. Hopefully time will be rewritten. Well... judging by the end of Episode 1. It might have already been.

how_we_dance said...

Ah ok. I realise he's going to regenerate some day, but I just don't want to know how yet.

emilie said...

Dammit, I wish I hadn't seen those :-( I usually manage to keep away from major spoilers like this thanks to the warnings you give, but how were we supposed to know the BBC would become so spoilery? What the hell is wrong with them???

Deano858 said...

I expected more silence pics or generic shots from the ep not THIS!!! kinda wished I hadn't looked but I was always going to lol :\

10thPlanet said...

Given the reaction, I've listed this as a major spoiler and forced a "READ MORE" link so that people won't be instantly spoiled. I might take it off, though. What do you all think of it?

David said...

Keep the read more thing on 10th. Or try link to them or something without revealing the images. I really think the site should have a way of hiding spoilers like this. I know theres a disclaimer about spoilers, but sometimes people dont want to have huge things spoilt, whilst reading teasers/news about the show.

David said...

Yeah, that Read More works perfectly. I think you should use it more on various spoileriffic articles

10thPlanet said...

If this works effectively, we'd only do it on HUGE spoiler items. After all, this was just plain unfair of the BBC.

Angelo said...

I know, thank god i saw the premiere. These images ruined one of the moment of awe i had when watching it. Now, i feel more infuriated than when i watch the ending of said episode.

Angelo said...

Really, this image doesn't really ruin the thousand of plot twists and suprise that the episode 1 and 2 holds though. But ruins the moment when you saw it. It was one of the most shocking moments of the episode, too.

Mike Jackson said...

Crap, Blogger ate my post. Okay, try again.

This is so HUGELY spoiler seeming that I can't believe this isn't 100% Moffat's idea. The only way to know for sure is to ask someone who was lucky enough to already see both episodes, but my instinct is that we are supposed to be mad and upset so that when the real WHOA, WTF moment happens, this will pale by comparison.

I don't mind know this because it was sort of my hunch that something like this was coming, that The Doctor who was the only one who could die without being dead forever and that this is supposed to the 11th Doctor from the future kinda cinched that. Now if this is always the way he's going to die it's not terrible because we already know how River is going to die and that doesn't negate any of the mystery of how she lived and what she's going to do.

But if it gets really time-wimey and there's lots of changes, a 12th Doctor running around perhaps, especially a 12th Doctor who might not be the proper 12th Doctor who will follow Matt when he leaves that's kinda cool too.

I've been thinking that since one of the details I've heard that Nixon in this episode was sort of a nice guy, what if whatever it is that they do negates the timeline we've seeing in Doctor Who since it came back or even way back then in the 1970s? The show has never really made any overt references to real life people or US Presidents and even UK Prime Ministers. So what if originally Nixon was never impeached, that there was never a President Ford, or anything in the the 70's onward quite happened the way we know it?

So they come back to 2011 and things like Reagan & Thatcher, Clinton & Blair or even 9/11 had never happened in the Universe that we've been seeing all these years, but now they have. Daleks over London, The Christmas Invasion, Last of the Time Lords, End of Time happened to the Doctor, but he's not in that timeline anymore. Suddenly the Doctor's in the timeline we've lived in where we don't remember that stuff? So no one in the general public knows what a Dalek is, no one in UNIT has the foggiest idea who the Doctor is and so on?

People like Cap'n Jack would remember him, but the rest of us uncomplicated un-time-traveling events, including Amy doesn't have a clue why the Doctor remembers the last 40 years differently, as she apparently has since season 5 started.

Time could get really wobbly!

The suspense is terrible! I hope it lasts....

scifigeek14 said...

the silents seem less scary in bright light. lol xD

Ricardo Baptista said...

River was right.

Reba said...

Since I have seen the episodes I was really surprised to see these images released. REALLY surprised. Thought it does not explain everything that happens. Can't wait for tonight so I can talk about the bloody episode...I think episode 2 is the kicker surprised me way more than episode 1.

Reba said...

scifigeek14 -- silence is scary in day or night...VERY scary. It had a theatre full of adults scared! lol

MrGrumpy said...

Well, I figured it would be that person dying, but you know what?
They shouldn't have even spoilered that (4 magazine covers.. which one is going to die? I mean, I ask you..)
One of the joys of writing is setting things up so that there is a twist that the audience doesn't see coming.
Imagine what the Sixth Sense would have been like if they had said 'of course, someone who you wouldnt expect is actually dead'
There is a need to drum up interest in the show.
Absolutely, yes.
But the spoilers went too far in advance of this episode, and even if he cries all the way to the bank, I bet Mr Moffat has spent the last month going 'Damn.. theres another one gone'
Too many and it gets so that watching the episode is just a case of filling in the blanks.

Thanks Combom for the big warning. I like a discussion, and I like little spoilers.
Although I had guessed the death scene (and they already offered and discounted some of my theories..THATS such a good script!), if I had seen these pics before the episode, I would have been marching on the BBC with a flaming torch.
This is on a par with the Dalek Sec hybrid photo on the Radio Times!