Monday, 6 June 2011

Doctor Who The Last Centurion by Melciah1791

(Click for Larger image)



Devon said...

It just occurred to me, they could make a spinoff series about Rory's adventures during that 2000 years. That could be interesting as a kid's show that teaches a few things about history.

Doubt they'll ever do that, but I like the idea.

WillWC said...


I think that's a great idea! If I may take it a step further, I'd like to see it animated in the style of Sherman and Mister Peabody. I'd watch the hell outta that! Of course Arthur would have to voice Rory.

Snake said...

But the story would take place in an alternate universe so history would be slightly different...

chris said...

Good idea!

Blast from the past...Peabody his boy Sherman andthe WABAC machine haven't crossed my mind since wayback. Thanks for the memory jog.