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Friday, 30 September 2011

Poll: What did You Think Of Doctor Who 612 Closing Time?

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07948598-3a3e-11e0-86b1-000bcdcb8a73 said...

Someone needs to tell Gareth Roberts and Mark Gatiss that they're not writing for RTD anymore. So they can stop doing things like, "I know! The Daleks' evil plan is they need to get the Doctor to VOUCH for them..." and "It's quite obvious that the Cybermen have NEVER, EVER assimilated parents whose love for their children would have prevented the assimilation process..." Have we ever seen Gatiss/Roberts/Davies in the same place at the same time? Are we sure it's not all RTD in disguise?

Lucille7777 said...

@07948598-3a3e-11e0-86b1-000bcdcb8a73: Don't you dare blame this story on RTD, for the most part he is a much better writer than what Gareth Roberts and Mark Gatiss put forth in this episode.

It wasn't a bad episode, it was just o.k., but don’t drag RTD into this, he had nothing to do with it, and I cannot remember a Cyberman episode written by RTD that I didn’t like.