Dr. Who and the Daleks was adapted as an American comic book by Dell Publishing in 1966 (the year the film was released in the US). The comic book featured artwork by Dick Giordano and was the first US comic book appearance of anything connected to the Doctor Who franchise.
You can grab the .rar file here. You may need to get rar too. When de-archived they are standard .jpgs :)
After some people had problems before, I have decided to make them available as a .rar file only, I will not be converting the archive to other formats, a rar utility is available for most operating systems (see above link)! Please don't ask me to email them to you, upload as images to photobucket, convert to .arj or any other weirdness, I do have a life to live you know, and I think I do enough already! :) This is tested, virus free and working!
Any problems, let me know and I'll see what I can do! I've just looked at the scans I have, hold onto your hats, theres more than I thought :) Probably daily posts for a while :0 I am not responsible for these scans, or any of the previous ones, and are sadly unaware of who did them!
If you want more of the same, use the search box at the top left with the word DOWNLOAD, work through the list, there may be some surprises in there :)
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